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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children thrive at this welcoming and inclusive club.
They arrive and seek out their friends as they settle to an array of activities in which they quickly become absorbed. Children bond exceptionally well to the enthusiastic and nurturing staff. Staff listen wholeheartedly to children.
They consider their views and interests as they support them to contribute to the detailed planning of activities and opportunities available at the club. Children delight in the range of activities provided, which are not only based on their interests but also successfully complement children's learning in school. Children's behaviour is e...xemplary.
They understand the high expectations staff have of them. Older children engage exceptionally kindly with younger children. For example, older children help their younger friends to draw around the outline of their bodies in chalk on the playground.
They encourage them to talk about the difference in sizes.Despite carefully considered changes made as a result of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, parents remain exceptionally pleased with the service the club provides. Comments from recent parental evaluations, such as 'an extra big thank you for providing your service throughout lockdown.
This has been a vital support for those who have been solely reliant on your service', demonstrate parents' satisfaction.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children thoroughly enjoy their time at the club. For many, attendance is viewed as a 'treat'.
For example, one child was excited to receive a club attendance voucher as a present at Christmas time. Children eagerly discuss why they enjoy attending the club. They state that they enjoy the games and activities as well as opportunities to relax after school.
One child, when asked, simply remarks 'It is the best part of my day'.Staff ensure that younger children are well cared for and supported at the club. They engage with children confidently as they play to enhance children's experiences.
Staff sit in the comfortable book area with children and share story books. They encourage children to recognise familiar words and predict what they think will happen next. Children play very well together.
Inspirational leaders meet regularly with staff to discuss their roles and responsibilities and ensure that they receive the support and training they need to be highly effective in their roles.Staff encourage children to be independent and have a go when they encounter a difficulty, and praise children when they achieve their aim. Younger children thoroughly enjoy taking part in mark-making activities and craft activities.
They remain engaged for a considerable length of time when making their creations.Staff provide a variety of healthy snacks. They consider the individual, cultural and dietary needs of children who attend the club when planning their menu.
Staff talk with children about the importance of eating healthily and the benefits of physical exercise. They ensure that children follow robust hygiene procedures. They check that children have washed their hands before they eat their snack.
Staff undertake rigorous risk assessments to help to ensure that the club remains a safe place in which children play. They teach children to be mindful of their own and each other's safety as they play. For example, children who are involved in a football penalty shootout are reminded to check for younger children who may cross in front of the goal.
The managers have built effective and beneficial working relationships with the host school. They use these professional partnerships to ensure continuity of care for all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Regular communication and information sharing mean children's needs are swiftly met.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff understand their responsibilities to keep children safe from harm. They can identify signs which may indicate that children are at risk of harm and know how to refer any concerns to the relevant authorities in order to protect children.
Appropriate checks are carried out to ensure that all staff are suitable to work with children. Furthermore, staff understand the procedures to follow in the event of an allegation being made. They know what to do should they have any concerns about the conduct of another member of staff.