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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy attending this very welcoming club that is a hive of activity, chatter and laughter. Children are warmly welcomed after their busy school day.
They chat with staff about their day and are excited to see the activities on offer. The atmosphere in the cub is relaxed and friendly. Staff listen attentively to children, who confidently share their ideas and opinions.
Children relish staff's positive and playful interactions with them. They have built strong and secure attachments with the dedicated staff team. Children are clearly at the heart of this fully inclusive club.
Children behave exce...ptionally well. They listen to the instructions given by staff and understand what is expected of them. Children have helped to devise club rules, and continuously use good manners without staff needing to prompt or remind them.
They are polite and courteous and show kindness towards one another. For example, older children are quick to help their younger friends with self-care routines and explaining the rules of a game.Many of the systems implemented specifically as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic have now been relaxed.
However, children still follow stringent arrangements with regards to handwashing and hand sanitising. Children instinctively know to wash their hands before enjoying a snack. Staff continue to utilise air-quality monitors and ensure that children's play spaces are well ventilated.
This practice helps to ensure children's continued health and well-being.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff effectively foster children's emotional well-being. Staff are positive role models, treating everyone with respect and kindness.
Very young children have a dedicated member of staff who continuously focuses on their overall well-being. They diligently liaise with school staff to ensure that children's individual needs are met well. Older children participate in a weekly 'apple club' where staff facilitate uninterrupted time to chat with children in an informal, friendly and nurturing way.
This significantly contributes to children's positive mental health. As a result, all children demonstrate that they feel safe, happy and secure.Staff have implemented successful strategies to help manage children's behaviour and engagement.
For example, children are awarded special raffle tickets for good behaviour, trying hard and being kind. Children patiently wait for the weekly raffle to be drawn, where the winning ticket can be exchanged for a special prize. Certificates and 'star of the week' awards are another way in which children's efforts are recognised and celebrated.
This contributes to children's sense of belonging and their impeccable behaviour.Staff create an exciting environment for children to play in and successfully complement learning that is taking place in school. For example, as children learn about the Queen's Jubilee, activities in the club include making special stamps and colouring templates.
Children especially enjoy these activities as they develop their creative flair and imagination using paint, glue and collage materials.Parents' comments about the club and the staff team are overwhelmingly complimentary. They share how much their children enjoy attending and how they often do not want to go home at the end of the day.
Parents state that staff are 'professional' and that communication is 'excellent'. They fondly describe how they 'couldn't ask for more' and that their children are 'safe and happy'. The headteacher of the host school describes the club as an 'asset' and is very appreciative of the service offered to his pupils and families.
Staff thoroughly enjoy working at the club and benefit from purposeful supervision meetings and plentiful training opportunities. Leaders seek feedback from children and parents and use this information to help identify the strengths and weaknesses of the provision. Furthermore, staff are encouraged to contribute their ideas through informal discussions and evaluations.
The dedicated and passionate manager and her staff team genuinely care for all children who attend the club and their strive for excellence is relentless. They want to ensure that all children have an extremely positive and meaningful experience at the end of their school day.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff have a robust understanding of their role and responsibility in protecting children from harm. Leaders ensure that staff complete regular training to ensure that their knowledge and skills remain up to date. Those with safeguarding responsibilities have also completed detailed training so that they are able to support staff, children and their families swiftly and effectively.
Stringent recruitment and vetting arrangements are followed to ensure that staff are suitable to carry out their role and remain suitable for the duration of their employment. Staff confidently describe the possible signs and symptoms that may indicate a child is at risk of harm. They understand the action to take if they have concerns about the practice or conduct of a colleague.