Fleckney Out of School Club

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About Fleckney Out of School Club

Name Fleckney Out of School Club
Address Fleckney C of E Primary School, 16 Batchelor Road, Fleckney, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE8 8BE
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Leicestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are greeted warmly by staff and settle quickly into the inviting and well-resourced environment.

Children confidently talk to the familiar staff about their day at school. Staff know children well. They plan and provide activities that they know children are interested in and that link to the current topics that children are learning about at school.

Children play well together and enjoy role play games. Older children help those younger than themselves to dress up as princesses and superheroes. They work together to create their own storylines.

Staff encourage children to share and take turns with art an...d craft resources as they make birthday cards for their friends. Children follow staff's guidance and instructions well. They are encouraged to look after resources and put things away when they have finished playing.

Children can choose to play outside. They show an awareness of their own safety as they ask staff for crash helmets before riding bicycles and scooters. Children respond positively to staff's request to stay in the designated areas to ensure they remain in sight and and are safe.

Children navigate large play equipment, showing good physical skills and strength as they swing from monkey bars.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children are confident and settled. They develop positive relationships with staff.

Children invite them to join them in their play. Together, they complete jigsaw puzzles. Staff encourage children to persevere and try again when at first a piece does not fit.

Children respond positively to staff's guidance, turning the piece around until they are successful and the puzzle is complete.Partnerships with parents are positive. Staff gather useful information from parents about children's individual needs before they start.

They provide detailed feedback about children's experiences at the club. This helps to ensure that parents are kept informed and involved. Parents comment that staff are friendly and approachable and that their children enjoy attending after school.

Children follow good hygiene routines as they wash their hands before eating. They are familiar with the snack time routine. Children are offered a variety of foods to choose from, such as vegetable sticks and crackers.

Staff ask questions and engage children in lively conversations. Children confidently talk about the foods that they like and do not like. They discuss the colour of their cups and what flavour juice they have.

Once finished, they know to place their cups and plates into the washing-up bowl.Children demonstrate high levels of concentration as they explore the available resources and activities provided by staff. For example, some children spend sustained amounts of time building with different-sized plastic bricks.

Others enjoy exploring malleable materials such as dough. They use rolling pins and cutters of different shapes to create a 'cookie collection'.Children understand staff's expectations for behaviour.

Staff are positive role models and they support children effectively to regulate their emotions in a calm and caring manner. Children are well mannered and show consideration to each other as they play, contributing to a harmonious and fun environment.Leaders implement robust recruitment procedures to help ensure that staff are suitable to work with children.

Staff meet with leaders to discuss and plan for their ongoing professional development. Staff comment that they are content and confident in their role and supported effectively.Staff maintain very close links with the school to support children's smooth transition into club.

They maintain a two-way exchange of relevant information to promote a complementary and collaborative approach for all children's care and learning experiences after school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Fleckney Church of England Primary School

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