Footprints Montessori Day Nursery

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About Footprints Montessori Day Nursery

Name Footprints Montessori Day Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address Long Reach, West Horsley, LEATHERHEAD, Surrey, KT24 6LZ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

The manager and her staff create an exceptionally friendly and warm atmosphere, where children flourish and get off to a flying start. Staff have first-rate relationships with the children and their parents, showing interest in their home lives.

They listen to the children's discussions with enthusiasm and ask appropriate questions of interest. Past pupils visit and give staff members hugs during drop-off and collection times, showing strong lasting bonds between staff and children. Children are happy and confident, and as a result, their behaviour is exemplary.

Children are exceptionally engaged in their and play. Staff give the children time to respond to questions and opportunities to try to do activities for themselves, therefore, children become extremely independent learners. Children impressively recognise their own names, fetch their own coats, put shoes on and pour their own drinks during mealtimes.

The children have the freedom to make their own choices. Staff are exceptionally skilful at extending and consolidating children's skills needed for the next stages in their learning, such as school. Older children learn about personal space and respect, while younger children strengthen their physical skills, enjoying yoga and outdoor play.

Babies develop language and listening skills through listening to staff who provide narratives during their activities. Staff work tremendously hard to create a supportive environment where parents are informed in detail of their child's progress and how to extend their learning at home.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The highly stimulating and inspiring environment enables children to have extensive learning opportunities, which motivate them to become exceptional learners.

Staff enhance children's problem-solving skills through an excellent range of exciting and challenging activities. For instance, children enjoy pegboards, threading activities, puzzles and lock and key puzzles which all help to support children's fine and gross motor skills.Staff take every opportunity to develop children's conversations and activities by asking extremely challenging questions and allowing children time to think and respond.

As a result, children are exceptionally confident in their own abilities and are excited to try new experiences.Children display exceptionally high levels of social skill and are kind and considerate to each other. Staff praise children for their achievements and positive behaviour and are exemplary role models.

Respect and kindness for others is thoroughly embedded through the setting. Children learn about personal space and that their work is special and they should be mindful of others. The children learn about others less fortunate than themselves and take part in fundraising activities.

Children learn about cultures and festivals. For instance, children experience Diwali and Guy Fawkes Night, through arts and crafts, stories and food tasting.The managers and staff are exceptionally committed and motivated to maintaining their outstanding practice.

Managers regularly review and reflect on how training has an impact on the staff's practice and the care the children receive.Managers provide staff with a robust supervision and training schedule. Staff feel that managers value their contributions and that they receive excellent levels of support in regards to their health and well-being.

Staff and managers carry out in-depth observations of what the children are achieving. Staff carefully plan activities to target specific areas of their learning and development. The staff's extremely high expectations of the children means they take part in inspiring, innovative and challenging activities.

For example, younger children take part in mark making with conkers and older children enjoy physical activities, such as using sledges in frosty weather.Staff take the children out on regular outings to the woods and within the community. Children thoroughly enjoy the visits to the woods, building dens and learning about the farm animals they see on the way.

Children take immense delight in sharing ideas with others, which further supports their confidence and self-esteem.Managers continuously strive to improve experiences for children. They are developing links in the community so they can provide even more excellent learning opportunities for children, such as through visits to a local care home.

Parents are extremely complimentary about the nursery. They say that the staff are exceptionally friendly and supportive. Staff prepare the children for their transition to school and into the next nursery room tremendously well.

Many parents expressed their view that their children started school well above their peers, particularly in their personal care, where they could put on coats and shoes and find their names.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff receive a rigorous safeguarding training programme.

This equips them with excellent detailed knowledge of safeguarding and the wider knowledge needed to understand the signs and symptoms which indicate a child is at risk. Staff have regular training on safeguarding issues, such as the risk of radicalisation and female genital mutilation. Staff can identify different indicators of abuse and neglect exceptionally well.

The managers are extremely well organised and ensure policies, records and documents that help to safeguard children are regularly updated and are exceptionally thorough. Staff are meticulously proactive in taking action to keep children from harm. Managers have extremely comprehensive procedures in place for staff to follow to identity and report concerns swiftly.

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