Footprints PreSchool Playgroup

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About Footprints PreSchool Playgroup

Name Footprints PreSchool Playgroup
Ofsted Inspections
Address The Mustard Tree, Watsons Road, Longwell Green, Bristol, Avon, BS30 9DW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority SouthGloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children arrive at the pre-school happy, confident and ready to learn. Staff get to know children and families very well, which contributes to a friendly and welcoming atmosphere.

Children are respected by staff, who value what they have to say. Staff respond to children's discoveries by mirroring their curiosity. For example, when a child hands a shell to staff to 'listen to the sea', staff share in their fascination, saying, 'yes, I hear it too!' Staff's sensitive interactions help children to feel safe and supported and, as such, children make very good progress.

For instance, staff gently hold children's hands as t...hey warmly ask them if they need any help. Children are supported to be good communicators, as they benefit from rich back-and-forth conversations with staff. Staff model new words during children's activities, such as 'soft' and 'wobbly', to build children's vocabulary.

They support children to develop clarity in their speech, such as by modelling letter sounds. They intrigue children further by pointing out letter sounds in their own names. This helps to support their emerging literacy skills.

Children are well behaved and polite. Staff are good role models and have high expectations for all children. Children demonstrate this by using phrases such as 'excuse me'.

If conflict does arise among children, staff support them well to positively resolve their differences.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider has not informed Ofsted of all the committee members, which is an offence. Consequently, Ofsted has not been able to undertake the required safety checks to clarify the suitability of these members.

However, the committee members do not have contact with children. This means the impact on children's safety is minimised. The provider is taking the necessary steps to rectify this oversight.

Children benefit from a well-established key-person system. They join their key group for focused learning. The key person uses this time to extend children's learning in line with their interests.

For example, following children's interest in refuse collectors, staff planned an activity about recycling. Children discussed and sorted different packaging types. Through activities such as these, children gain new knowledge, including the importance of caring for the world around them.

Children have a strong sense of belonging at the pre-school. At circle time, they are warmly welcomed by staff. Children take turns to be a 'special helper'.

They practise skills such as counting as they help staff with the attendance register. This responsibility also helps to develop children's confidence. However, some children struggle to focus for the duration of circle time.

They become restless and do not fully benefit from this learning experience.Staff use high-quality interactions and teaching techniques to engage and inspire children to learn. They narrate children's play and ask open questions, such as 'what do you think?' This helps to promote children's problem-solving and language skills.

However, staff teaching does not always take children's next steps in learning into account.Staff make effective use of assessment to monitor children's learning. They ensure that children are meeting developmental milestones, particularly with their communication and social skills.

If they notice any difficulty or delay, they take prompt action. Staff liaise sensitively with parents at the earliest opportunity. They agree plans and strategies, as well as referring to outside professionals for specialist help as necessary.

This helps all children to achieve their best possible outcomes.Parents are highly complimentary about the pre-school. They return with younger children because they are impressed with the care staff provide.

Parents report they are well informed of their child's progress and pre-school life. Grandparents comment that they value the noticeboard staff use to share information about the day. This enables them to ask their grandchildren about what they have been doing and to pass the information on to the parents.

Parents value the home learning opportunities staff provide, such as borrowing books to read with their children. This promotes continuity of learning at home.Staff support children to gain independence in everyday tasks.

They support children to master useful skills, such as putting on their own coats and shoes. Staff praise children's achievements, which helps to motivate them further. For example, after washing their own hands, they proudly say, 'look, I did it by myself!' This helps children to develop self-esteem and gain valuable skills for their future learning, including school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are fully aware of their roles and responsibilities in keeping children safe. The manager ensures that all staff undertake regular training to keep their knowledge up to date.

Staff are able to recognise the signs and symptoms of when a child may be at risk of harm. They know to whom to report should they have concerns about the welfare of a child. Staff are aware of other safeguarding issues that can affect children, such as exposure to extremist behaviours.

Recruitment procedures are robust. The manager asks staff to sign an annual declaration to confirm their ongoing suitability to work with children.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: review the organisation of large group times and take into consideration the individual needs of children to enable them all to benefit fully from the learning experience nensure staff teaching incorporates children's individual next steps in learning as much as possible, to help children make even better progress.

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