Footscray OSC High Firs

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About Footscray OSC High Firs

Name Footscray OSC High Firs
Address High Firs Primary School, 45 Court Crescent, Swanley, BR8 8NR
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Kent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive at the out-of-school club happy and receive a warm welcome from the friendly staff. Staff create a well-organised environment, indoors and outdoors, that children independently access.

They ensure children are supported appropriately after a school day, offering a balance of activities. Staff plan around children's interests and they make sure the things they enjoy are available on arrival. For example, children use mini building blocks to make animals while others design their own Christmas cards.

This means that as soon as children arrive, they can play and socialise with their friends. Mealtimes are a lo...vely social occasion. Children are eager to help set the table and prepare the food.

Staff teach them how to cut up cucumber and tomatoes to go with the main course. They give children plenty of praise, and children are keen to help. They wash their hands independently and choose food from the wide variety on offer.

Staff encourage children to have excellent manners. They are polite and say thank you to the children who serve dessert. Children talk about the benefit of eating fruit and vegetables and adopt healthy attitudes to food.

Staff help children develop independence and skills for life.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children's behaviour is very good. Staff provide plenty of praise when they are kind and caring towards each other.

For example, if children finds a missing card, they speak to the other children to find out who it belongs to. Staff help children to show concern for each other and build meaningful relationships.Staff consult with children to find out how they can improve the experience they receive at the club.

For example, children ask to have water play in the warm weather. Staff organise a potion making workshop, which the children all enjoy. Children know that their views are important, and staff listen to them.

Children say that they like attending the club and playing with their friends. They also enjoy the structured adult-led activity that staff offer every session. For example, children make chocolate reindeers with pretzel antlers.

They are proud to show off their creations and share them with their families.Staff think about the environment to incorporate the children's interests and needs. For example, alongside the activities, a quiet area is available if children need to relax.

They lay on cushions and cover themselves with a blanket. Staff ensure that children's individual needs are met.Staff receive regular supervisions.

They discuss how to enhance their skills through a range of training opportunities. For example, some staff have attended an autism awareness course to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). This helps staff to ensure all children have a positive experience while at the club.

Staff have an excellent relationship with the host school. They communicate with teachers throughout the day. Staff take time to discuss the children's day at school and find out what they have been doing.

This means that children have support and receive consistency in their care.The youngest children have key staff, who liaise with their early years foundation stage teachers. Staff are mindful that they may need extra support.

For example, when children tire or are upset, staff respond and spend one-to-one time with them. This close relationship helps children to regulate their emotions and feel secure.Staff and children work together to set rules to keep everyone safe at the club.

For instance, children know that they are not allowed in the kitchen area. When staff clap their hands, all children stop to listen. This helps children keep safe and understand the expected behaviours.

Parents feedback that their children always come home well fed and happy. Children ask them when they will be coming back. Parents appreciate the substantial dinner that children receive after a busy day at school.

They say that children try new food that they have not had at home.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
High Firs Primary School

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