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About Forest Kids Club
Forest Kids Club
Wingrove Hall, Beech Hall Road, London, E4 9NT
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children and staff interact well together. Children engage in activities and staff support their ideas.
For example, staff find out what children want to create and ensure that materials are available for them. For instance, they provide resources for children to make memorable artwork with colourful beads. Children understand the behaviour that is expected of them at the setting.
Staff praise them often. For instance, children receive praise and encouragement as they share resources, such as play dough. Staff remind children to say please and thank you at appropriate times.
They help children to understand the im...portance of being respectful to each other. Staff collect children from school and then walk back to the setting. They promote children's safety on the road.
For instance, staff organise themselves at the front and back of the line of children. This helps staff to assess and reduce risks. They also use this time to find out about children's day and to encourage friendliness and socialisation.
Children comment that staff are 'sweet and caring'.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff know children well. They gather information about children's dietary and allergy needs when they register to join the setting.
In addition, staff supervise children to wash their hands before they eat. This helps children to understand the link between good hygiene practices and good health.Staff promote children's health.
They have addressed the weakness at the last inspection. Children now have a serving of fruit alongside their snacks. Staff also remind children to drink more water when it is hot.
Children socialise well at the setting. For instance, at snack times, they talk to their friends, which is a very cheerful exchange. Children laugh and giggle with one and other.
Some children are quiet and staff support these children and help all children to build their confidence and self-esteem.The managers support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities and those who need extra support well. They gather information from parents, and with permission, liaise with school staff to support children effectively.
Staff provide activities throughout the session for children to develop their physical skills age appropriately. For instance, younger children enjoy playing with small-world resources. Older children manage their risks and enjoy practising basic gymnastic moves, such as cartwheels in the spacious hall.
Staff supervise children when they are playing outside. The outdoor area is large and provides good opportunities for children to socialise and relax. Children also use the space to move their bodies in a range of different ways.
Staff teach children what to do in an emergency to protect their health and safety. For instance, they complete termly fire drills. This teaches children how to behave and where to go in the event of a fire.
The provider and her co-manager complete mandatory training, such as first-aid training. They evaluate accidents immediately, and provide appropriate first aid. Staff have a good safeguarding knowledge and they are in the process of arranging more training to enhance their practice even further.
Parents like the approachable and friendly staff. They value the support which they receive. Parents comment that their children are happy at the setting.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff demonstrate a good awareness of safeguarding practice. They understand the importance of recognising any cause for concern.
They know how to report any concerns, including allegations against those working with children. Staff are trained to understand the provider's safeguarding policies and procedures. The recruitment and induction of staff is thorough, and individual suitability assessments are completed.