Foundations Community Pre-School Ltd

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About Foundations Community Pre-School Ltd

Name Foundations Community Pre-School Ltd
Ofsted Inspections
Address Westfield Primary School, Bonsey Lane, Woking, GU22 9PR
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children display a clear understanding of the pre-school's core values of 'honesty, integrity, kindness, thoughtfulness, gratitude, bravery and friendship'. They are extremely well behaved, kind and highly considerate of others.

For instance, children willingly pass each other goggles when they have finished their turn at hammering golf tees into a melon. Children flourish and make rapid progress with purposeful and systematic support from highly dedicated and inspirational staff. For example, children narrate their own story and staff model how to write what they are saying.

Children then learn that print has m...eaning and begin to make their own marks on paper to represent words. Children show a strong sense of perseverance and determination from a very early age. For example, they build towers of crates and keep trying to climb to the top before jumping off.

This develops their physical skills. Children show great delight in their achievements and respond positively to staff's regular praise and encouragement. For example, children are encouraged to create a blossom tree using a wide range of art supplies.

They beam with delight when showing visitors their creations. Children are highly resilient and extremely independent. For example, they know to hang their coats on radiators to dry when they are wet.

They are exceptionally well prepared for future learning, and transition in to school with ease.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff provide excellent opportunities for children to learn about their local community. They learn how to make a difference to others' lives and how to help those who are less fortunate than themselves.

For example, they gave cakes that they baked to the local neighbours. The staff go above and beyond to support all families. For example, they fundraise to help families with the rising cost of school uniforms.

Children learn important life skills from an early age. For example, they prepare their own snacks and wash up when they have finished. During mealtimes, staff expertly use visual cues as conversation starters to teach children new knowledge and develop their speech and language.

For example, they display the top of a pineapple in the centre of the snack table, which prompts curiosity and discussion.There is a strong culture of inclusion within this setting. Parent partnership is highly valued, and the staff seek ways to involve families.

For example, parents record themselves reading stories in their home language for children to play at pre-school. This supports speech and language development exceptionally well and gives children a sense of pride and belonging.The management and staff have excellent links with external agencies to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

The qualified special educational needs coordinator swiftly implements individual educational plans so that no child is left behind in their learning and gaps are closed. Staff make adaptions to the provision promptly to ensure that children's needs are met. For example, they provide a snug where children can go to self-soothe, relax and feel calm.

This supports children's emotional well-being highly effectively.The management and staff closely observe and effectively monitor children's progress. They use the information that they have gathered, along with feedback from parents, to plan comprehensive next steps for children's learning.

Staff provide awe-inspiring activities that encourage children to explore, question, try out and have a go. For example, woodwork classes teach children how to use tools safely and spark an interest in building.Children access outdoor learning throughout the day, with many opportunities to be physically active and develop their balance and coordination.

For example, they throw balls into a target. Staff expertly further children's development and know what they need to learn next. For instance, staff encourage children to move back from the target, saying 'let's make it more difficult'.

Children eagerly accept the challenge, which helps to improve their throwing skills.Staff provide excellent opportunities for the children to learn about the wider world. For example, children send pictures and letters to children in the Philippines and learn about the differences and similarities in their lives.

Children learn about how their actions impact on the world and how they can make a positive change. For example, if something gets broken, children are encouraged to think about how it can be used differently or are taught how to recycle.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Children are kept safe, secure and protected from harm at the pre-school. The well-trained and experienced staff keep their knowledge of safeguarding refreshed and up to date through regular training, safeguarding questionnaires and mentoring. They know exactly what to do if they are concerned about a child's welfare.

There are strong safety procedures that are embedded into the pre-school routines. For example, children learn the difference between a fire alarm and a lockdown alarm, and regularly practise drills so that they know how to respond to each sound. Staff make thorough and stringent risk assessments to keep children, staff and visitors safe at all times.

Staff are extremely vigilant when supervising children's play. Children are kept safe when using the internet at pre-school. For instance, staff read them stories about online safety and children learn about appropriate friendships.

Also at this postcode
Westfield Primary School Funsport

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