Fun 4 Kidz - LIPA

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About Fun 4 Kidz - LIPA

Name Fun 4 Kidz - LIPA
Address LIPA Primary School, Upper Duke Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, L1 7BT
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Liverpool
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive eager to play and explore during their time at the club. They have access to a well-resourced environment, indoors and outdoors.

Staff plan activities which they know children will enjoy. Children are keen to play and join in games. Staff encourage children to make independent choices.

For example, they provide craft activities to complement learning taking place in school. Children use the materials provided to create paper dolls to represent familiar people. Staff complete regular observations of young children.

They use this information to plan activities to meet individual needs and interests. ...Staff know the children very well. For instance, they recognise when some children want to rest and to relax after school.

Staff have high expectations and are positive role models for the children. Children behave very well. They show a good understanding of the club's rules and boundaries.

Staff encourage children to recognise and understand their feelings and those of others. This helps children to resolve minor conflicts and agree on solutions. Staff promote children's independence in many ways.

For instance, staff provide children with opportunities to help prepare for mealtimes. They recognise and celebrate children's achievements. Older children are positive role models for the younger children who attend.

For instance, they take time to explain the aim of board games to help them understand the rules.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities particularly well. Staff undertake extra training to help develop their skills and knowledge.

They link with professionals working in the host school. Staff plan experiences to ensure that they meet the children's individual needs.Partnerships with parents are very effective.

Staff are friendly and welcoming when parents arrive and are available to speak to them. Parents speak positively about their children's time at the club. For example, they say their children enjoy attending and take part in a wide range of activities.

Staff spend a great deal of time getting to know about children's interests when they start attending the club. They work with parents and children to complete an 'All about me' document. This forms the start of their learning journal.

Children share journals with the inspector and show a great deal of pride when reviewing their achievements.The manager and staff embrace the partnership with teachers in the host school. For example, they adopt the school's vision in promoting children's confidence.

Staff update parents about any messages from school during daily discussions. Parents comment that staff support the link between school and home.The manager ensures staff have opportunities to extend their professional knowledge and skills.

Staff have completed all mandatory training. They talk positively about the impact recent training has had on their practice.The manager and staff embrace opportunities to reflect on the service provided for children and families.

They collate the views of parents, children and professionals from questionnaires and observations. They use this information to plan future activities. For example, they have provided more craft activities based on children's feedback.

Children have made secure attachments with staff, who know them very well. Children contribute their views and ideas towards activities. They show a great sense of ownership of the club.

Children tell the inspector about their time in the club and the activities they enjoy the most. However, staff have not fully considered how to provide space for children who prefer quieter play.Children get to know their key person well.

They demonstrate that they feel safe in the familiar environment of their own school. They enjoy a range of healthy snacks and drinks after they come into the club from their day in school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

All staff share a clear understanding of the procedures to follow if they have concerns about a child's welfare. Staff access regular training to keep their understanding up to date. The manager carries out a robust recruitment, induction and supervision programme.

This helps to ensure staff are suitable to work with children and prepares them well for their role. Staff maintain safe and secure environments for children to protect them from harm. They carry out daily checks to ensure the club environment is safe and risks to children are minimised.

Also at this postcode
LIPA School

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