Fun 4 Kidz - Seaforth

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About Fun 4 Kidz - Seaforth

Name Fun 4 Kidz - Seaforth
Address Rimrose Hope Primary School, Sandy Road, LIVERPOOL, L21 1AD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Sefton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff create a calm, friendly and nurturing environment. Children arrive happily at the club and are eager to begin exploring the exciting activities available. Staff help children sort out their own belongings before they set off to play.

They create caring bonds with children and listen attentively to children when they are talking. Children demonstrate that they feel safe and secure here.Staff support children's emotional development well.

They teach children about different feelings and how to express them appropriately. Staff teach children relaxation strategies, such as mindfulness exercises. They provide children their own box of resources to support them with their individual needs.

This helps children to regulate their own emotions when they become overwhelmed. All children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities are well supported.Children behave well.

They work well as a team to complete games, such as dodgeball in the school hall. Children are kind to each other and they help others to serve their own food at snack time. Staff have high expectations of all children and they support children to create their 'promise' rules for the club.

Staff praise children for their helpful behaviour. This helps to build up children's self-esteem.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff plan interesting activities for children.

Children are highly engaged as they paint their pine cones and glue decorations on to make their Christmas trees. Staff get down on children's level and join in with their play. For instance, children take staff's food orders and then model them out of play dough.

Children demonstrate positive attitudes to their play.Staff know children well. They discuss with parents and teachers at the host school about the individual needs of children attending the club.

Staff liaise with teachers and parents about strategies and targets on children's individual plans to work towards at the club. This strong collaborative work helps to ensure children's individual needs are met.Staff provide children with nutritious food.

They talk to children about foods that are good for their bodies and why. Staff ensure children have access to fresh drinking water and daily opportunities to complete physical exercise. This helps to promote healthy life choices.

Staff promote diversity well. They celebrate a range of festivals with children and help children learn about other cultures. Staff teach children about the different dynamics of different families.

This helps children to understand about people and communities that may differ from their own.Children's physical development is promoted well. They thread beads on to string as they make their own bracelets.

Children press resources into salt dough and model it into different shapes as they make characters. This helps to develop children's smaller muscle movements.Staff plan opportunities to develop children's growing independence.

They encourage children to carry their own plates back to their tables after selecting their snack. Children wash their hands by themselves before eating. They manage their own personal hygiene well.

These opportunities help to develop children's life skills.Staff receive good support. Leaders complete termly supervisions of staff.

They ensure staff keep their mandatory training up to date, such as safeguarding and their paediatric first aid training. Staff access a range of training. For instance, they recently completed training to support children with expressing their own emotions.

This helps staff to further improve their knowledge and skills.Parent partnerships are strong. Parents are complimentary about the service they receive.

They praise staff for providing a range of activities for children to enjoy. Staff keep parents updated about the activities children have completed and the food they have eaten during handover times. This helps to provide continuity in children's care.

Children have daily opportunities to be physically active. They join in with obstacle courses and parachute games in the hall. Children have plenty of space to run around outside.

This helps to develop children's larger muscle movements.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Rimrose Hope CofE Primary School

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