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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children enjoy attending this holiday club. Children who are new to the club show confidence as they explore the activities on offer. They quickly develop good relationships with staff and are happy to interact with them during their play.
Staff stay close to young children, which helps them to feel safe and secure in the environment. Staff provide comfort to children when they are upset and help them to settle quickly. Leaders ensure that the environment is safe for children.
Regular risk assessments are carried out to ensure that any risks to children are identified and minimised. For example, following episodes of bad w...eather, some outdoor equipment is not used by children as it becomes wet and could increase the risk of accidents.Staff provide a range of activities for children to choose from.
Children benefit from attending a pretend beauty salon. They book appointments and choose from treatments such as manicures, foot spas and hair styling. This is popular with children and gives them opportunities to work together and play cooperatively.
Staff help children to understand the needs of others, as they negotiate the roles they take so that all children can be included.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders plan exciting and challenging activities for children. They successfully adapt the activities on offer to suit the different ages of children.
For example, older children create plans for decorating cakes. This involves writing and drawing the equipment they will need. Younger children circle pictures of items they might want to use.
There are times, however, when the organisation of activities could be improved, as children sit waiting for extended periods of time before having something to do.Children behave well. They make friends and enjoy playing with each other.
Staff spend time going through the rules of the club. Children recall the rules and show an understanding of why these are in place. Children say that one of the rules is to include each other in their play to show kindness.
At times when children do encounter small difficulties and disagree, staff act swiftly to support them to find a resolution. This helps children to resolve conflict and return to their play.Leaders provide effective support for staff.
New staff are provided with a brief induction meeting before starting employment. Leaders ensure that staff are aware of the policies to be followed. They train staff to understand their safeguarding responsibilities.
Staff are provided with guidance throughout the sessions to help them to fully understand how to lead activities and learn the routines of the session.Children enjoy playing outdoors. They have opportunities to climb and jump on the available equipment.
Children skilfully balance over tyres and follow each other in groups as they step from one tyre to another. Staff introduce football games, which children enjoy and play well together with their friends. Staff are deployed effectively to supervise children and keep them safe.
Children develop their confidence and independence. They make choices about their play and the activities they want to join in with. Children clean up after themselves at lunchtime, and older children help younger children to find their coats before going outside.
Leaders build good relationships with the school that they use for the holiday club. They liaise closely with the headteacher and share relevant information about children. For example, leaders find out what strategies are in place for children in school and implement these into what they do at the club.
Parents comment positively about the sessions their children attend. They say that they like the online registration form and feel that they are asked for relevant information about their children, such as health details and emergency contact details. Parents are introduced to staff and know who will be looking after their children.
They find out what children have been doing and say that their children have fun and enjoy themselves.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.