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About Fun Fest Solihull
Fun Fest Solihull
Silhilians Sports Club, Warwick Road, Solihull, West Midlands, B93 9LW
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are happy and settled in this vibrant and lively club. They form warm relationships with the kind and friendly staff, and make new friendships with other children. Children's confidence rapidly develops.
They happily approach new people to talk about their experiences both in the club and at home, which demonstrates their sense of security. The clubs' ethos of children enjoying themselves and having fun is deep-rooted amongst everybody who attends. Children are eager to take part in the array of activities on offer.
They make choices about what they want to do and remain busy and engaged throughout their day.Child...ren delight in playing outdoors. They follow instructions to hold and move a parachute up and down, and they run under it when it is their turn.
Children take turns to complete races and obstacle courses. They practise kicking and throwing balls between themselves and to staff. Children use different coloured chalks to draw on the floor.
They apply their creative skills to rub the colours together to achieve a desired effect. Indoors, children enjoy taking part in craft activities. They wait for their turn to decorate their hand template with sequins and glitter.
Children thread small beads to make their own jewellery. They ask staff for help when needed. Children proudly show their parents what they have made at the club and are excited to take their work home with them.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and managers have children at the heart of their work. They are passionate about providing children with high-quality care where they have as much fun as possible. Staff share this vision and understand their role as a key person to children.
They spend all of their time playing with children and building secure relationships with them. Children are organised into age-appropriate groups, meaning that activities are tailored to their current stages of development.Staff get to know every child who attends.
They spend time talking to children and asking questions about what they like to do. Staff observe children during their play to find out about their interests. They use this knowledge to plan and provide meaningful activities for children.
This helps children to quickly settle into the club and enjoy their time.Leaders and managers are passionate about providing an inclusive service for all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Information about children is gathered from parents prior to children starting at the club.
Managers ensure that any individual needs that children have are discussed with parents before they start to make sure that appropriate support is in place for their child. Strategies are shared with children's key person to provide consistency for children between the club, at home and other settings where children may attend.Children behave well at the club because staff set out very clear expectations and boundaries.
Before any activity starts, staff give very clear instructions for children which helps them to understand how to take part. Children recognise when they need to listen to staff. Staff chant the word 'attention' and children immediately stop what they are doing and sing this back to them.
When staff provide instructions to children, they ask them to repeat these back, which helps them to verify children's understanding.Children develop knowledge about how to keep themselves healthy and safe. Staff encourage children to drink water regularly, explaining the importance of remaining hydrated in warmer weather.
They support children to understand why they need to wear a hat outdoors. Staff take children to wash their hands before handling food. At snack and mealtimes, staff guide children to make healthy choices to manage their nutritional needs.
They check that children have eaten a sufficient amount of food before returning to play.Parents are very happy with the service that the club provides. They state that they know their child is well-cared for and that they are always happy to attend.
Parents feel that all staff are very approachable. They praise the vast range of activities that children are able to choose from.Staff are very happy in their roles.
They commend the support they receive from leaders and managers on a day-to-day basis, as well as over time, which has contributed to their career progression. The manager makes training and professional development opportunities available to all staff. She regularly observes staff's practice with children and provides them with clear feedback.
This supports all staff to continually improve their knowledge and skills.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.