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About Fun Fest Sutton - Four Oaks
Fun Fest Sutton - Four Oaks
Hill West Primary School, Clarence Road, Sutton Coldfield, B74 4LD
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements The enthusiastic and welcoming staff greet children warmly as they arrive at the club. Children clearly enjoy attending the club and show high levels of enjoyment. They are keen to chat to the staff and eager to seek out their friends.
Children are happy, and relaxed and confidently choose what they want to do from a wide range of activities on offer. Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour and children respond positively to this. Staff include children in deciding on the rules that are important to them.
Consequently, behaviour is good and there is a calm and friendly atmosphere in the club. Older children ar...e kind and patient with younger ones, encouraging them to join in their play and teach them new skills. Children demonstrate they feel safe in the club.
There are lots of conversations and laughter throughout the club. Children engage visitors in discussions and say what they enjoy about the club. They talk about how they look forward to spending time with their friends.
They comment, 'I like painting and getting all messy.' Children are excited as they participate in different science experiments. Children use their imagination as they make unicorn masks and are excited to join in the treasure hunt linked to the same theme.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The nominated individual is dedicated to providing an excellent club for the children who attend. He is supported by an equally committed manager and staff team. Parents highly praise the club and say their children 'love attending'.
They comment on the 'kind and welcoming staff', who provide an environment that is fun and safe for their children.The nominated individual places a strong emphasis on training staff to help to ensure that they understand their roles and responsibilities. He regularly reflects on the service they provide to help to identify where improvements can be made.
The nominated individual ensures the club promotes inclusion. Staff gather information from parents about children's individual needs. They work in partnership with parents and other professionals to provide children with any extra support they may need.
Consequently, children with special educational needs and/or disabilities receive the support they need to participate in activities of their choosing and to feel included.The nominated individual ensures that the youngest children are allocated a key person. Staff provide lots of cuddles and reassurance, so children feel safe and secure from the start and develop strong attachments to the staff.
New children settle quickly into the club and make good friendships.Children have plenty of opportunities to be physically active and spend time outdoors every day. They have great fun as they climb, balance and swing on a wide range of adventure play equipment.
They enjoy playing ball games, riding on scooters and bikes and chasing their friends.Staff value the opinions and ideas of the children. They involve children in the planning of activities.
Consequently, children are confident to express their views and develop a strong sense of belonging at the club.Staff manage behaviour well. They are good role models who speak to the children and each other with respect.
Staff are consistent in their approach and address children in a calm and sensitive manner. Children behave well. They share, take turns and use good manners.
Children are busy and focused as they enjoy the wide variety of activities provided by the staff, indoors and outdoors. At other times, they sit and relax in the cosy, quiet area.Children demonstrate high levels of self-esteem.
As they take part in creative activities, they show what they have made with a sense of pride and achievement.Children are encouraged to be independent. They are responsible for their own belongings when they arrive.
They choose their peg and hang their belongings. At snack time, children serve up their own food and drinks and clear away when they have finished.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders and staff demonstrate a good understanding of the possible signs and symptoms of abuse. They know when and where to refer any concerns they may have about a child's welfare. Staff carry out daily checks of the premises to help to identify and remove any hazards.
This helps them to provide a safe environment for children to play in. Managers have robust recruitment procedures in place to help to ensure staff are suitable to work with children. Staff are deployed effectively across the club to make sure children are supervised effectively at all times.