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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children enjoy a wide range of highly engaging activities and they are extremely happy and keen to attend. Children display a strong sense of belonging and excitement as they arrive at the club at the end of the school day. Staff provide an environment where all children are valued, respected, included and well cared for.
They give high regard to ensuring children have a voice within the club. For instance, staff regularly seek the children's views and opinions. They act on these quickly and children feel they are well listened to.
Staff have very high expectations of the children. They are excellent role models. As a resu...lt, children's behaviour is superb.
They are extremely kind and considerate to others and offer help and support to their friends. For instance, children support each other to spell out words to add to their artwork. They help each other sound out words and form correct letters.
Staff provide children with a range of creative materials to inspire their imagination and creative skills. For instance, younger children are encouraged to experiment with different ways of creating gifts for loved ones at their own 'creation station'. Children show excellent perseverance, determination and stay highly focused for an extended period.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider is exceptionally passionate about providing the highest quality care. He has embedded this culture throughout the club. Self-evaluation is used extremely effectively to reflect on the club's strengths and weaknesses.
Recent changes have seen staff think carefully and adapt the children's learning environment to give them a more stimulating environment and easier access to the wide range of resources.Children are given every opportunity to be independent. For example, after snack time, one child is in charge of the 'team tidy' where they assign their friends with a role.
Children know the routine well and are able to clear away snack and wipe down the tables.Partnerships with parents are strong. They speak extremely positively about the care their children receive and comment that their children absolutely love attending.
Staff regularly gather parents' feedback to help to continually improve the care they provide. They give parents a detailed daily handover and keep parents informed about their children's daily achievements at the club.Children are given daily opportunities to be physically active.
Older children relish the opportunity to take part in group games. They devise their own game, clearly explain the rules to children who come in half way through and give each other lots of praise and encouragement.Children enjoy a wide range of healthy foods at snack time.
Staff think carefully about how snack time can support children's social skills. For instance, children thoroughly enjoy making snack for each other during a 'share the love' snack time. Staff encourage children to talk with each other about what their individual preferences are.
Children are polite and show excellent manners.Staff show excellent interactions with children and develop children's speech and imaginative skills very well. For instance, as children role play outdoors, staff support them to learn new words, such as 'banquet'.
Staff give children lots of praise and encouragement, which supports children's self-esteem and confidence well.Staff are provided with superb levels of support. They comment that they feel extremely valued within their roles.
The provider places a high emphasis on supporting and developing staff practice. For instance, staff are provided with weekly coaching and mentoring sessions, where they get to critically reflect on their practice.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
There is a vigilant culture towards safeguarding children. The provider and staff have an extremely strong understanding of their responsibilities regarding child protection. Staff have an excellent and thorough understanding of how to deal with concerns about children's welfare and the signs to be aware of.
The provider and staff liaise exceptionally well with the school staff to help ensure children's health and welfare needs are met. Thorough daily risk assessments provide children with safe environments to play and learn. The provider has developed extensive advice and guidance to ensure all staff have up to date resources available, to support them to know how to act on concerns, including a range of wider safeguarding issues.