Funky Monkeys

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About Funky Monkeys

Name Funky Monkeys
Address Rowlands Gill Primary School, Dominies Close, Rowlands Gill, Tyne and Wear, NE39 1AT
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Gateshead
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children's enjoyment at being in this exceptionally well-resourced and welcoming environment shines through.

Staff greet children with very genuine smiles and welcoming 'hellos' as they collect children from their individual classrooms. Staff talk to the different teachers as they collect children. This enables any necessary information to be passed to staff and onwards to parents.

Staff are exceptionally interested in children and discuss in detail how their day in school has been. This helps to build children's self-esteem and feelings of being valued.Staff place a key focus on developing children's own ideas and thought...s.

For example, children have organised their own book club. They discuss which books they will read and write reviews of the books. Children of all ages sit together and older children take pleasure in ensuring that younger children are comfortable and can hear the story.

Children are exceptionally motivated and confident as they choose their own activities. They persist when they encounter difficulties and develop their own ideas to extend activities. For example, as younger children use paints, they concentrate intently, determined their pictures will be exactly as they wish.

Children talk to staff about their individual pictures. They smile with delight at the very sincere praise their receive for their efforts. Children's behaviour is exemplary.

All children show high levels of respect for their environment. They automatically tidy their plates and cutlery away after snack. As younger children play together, they remind each other that 'caring is sharing'.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

All children fully understand the routines of the club. They know where to hang up their coats and bags when they enter the club. Children automatically wash their hands before sitting down for snack.

This shows children are fully aware of meeting their own self-care needs and understand how to keep themselves healthy.Staff are kind and caring towards children. Staff's practice guarantees that children feel safe and secure in the club.

They monitor the number of children throughout the session. Staff meticulously complete the register as children arrive and depart.Children benefit from a wide range of healthy and nutritious food.

Snack time is a social occasion, where children sit and chat to their friends and staff. Staff seek information from parents regarding any children's special dietary requirements and allergies. They ensure that the food they provide adheres to these requirements.

Staff use every opportunity for children to be physically active in the fresh air. Younger children develop their physical skills, as they run and manoeuvre themselves around other children and adults. Older children are very courteous and considerate.

For example, as they play football, children know to try and keep the ball from obstructing other children as they play.The manager and staff are highly attuned to the needs of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. They work in close partnership with parents, the school and the local authority to ensure that children get the excellent and individualised support they need.

Parents are exceptionally complimentary of the service the club provides. They appreciate the opportunities the club offers for their children to develop the friendship groups they make in school. Parents comment on the wide range of activities their children have the opportunity to be involved in.

Staff are proud to belong to this exceptional club. They work together as a tight-knit team, where everyone looks after each other. Strong teamwork and shared high aspirations are at the centre of everything they do.

Staff are extremely conscious about internet safety. They strictly monitor and protect any use of the internet within the club. Staff regularly inform parents of the dangers to children when using certain websites and social media platforms.

This develops parents' awareness and helps to keep children safe online.Safeguarding and children's well-being are a top priority for everyone at this club. There is a strong culture of safeguarding and regular training, which ensures that all staff are knowledgeable and confident in fulfilling their responsibilities.

The manager has robust recruitment procedures in place, to make sure that staff are suitable to work with children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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