Funtastic Club

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About Funtastic Club

Name Funtastic Club
Address Burton Primary School, Campbell Road, Burton, CHRISTCHURCH, Dorset, BH23 7JY
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bournemouth,ChristchurchandPoole
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children demonstrate that they feel happy, safe and secure at the club. They arrive confidently and quickly join in with the activities that have been set up for them.

Children build friendships as they play board games together. They are cooperative and share resources well. For example, they work together to make a variety of shades of blue using clay.

Children behave well. Staff manage minor disputes well, explaining the consequences of children's actions on others and themselves. Staff praise children effectively and encourage them to persevere when things are challenging at first.

When children find it diffic...ult to tie a knot in a pipe cleaner, they keep trying. When they achieve their goal, they show real pride in themselves.Children engage in a variety of activities, including crafts, reading, board games and construction.

Children help to plan for the club. Activities are age-appropriate and based around their interests. Children who need to rest are able to do so on the cushions.

They enjoy outdoor play most days, which provides fresh air and opportunities for active play.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The owner wants children to feel safe, comfortable and to enjoy their time at the club. She works at the club regularly which enables her to monitor staff practice and support their development through training and mentoring.

The new manager has improved the organisation of the club since the last inspection. She is an excellent role model and is calm and balanced in her interactions with staff, parents and children.Staff plan activities that maintain children's attention and they concentrate well.

Children develop their creative skills as they use clay to make snakes and decorate them with a sharp pencil. They make decorations for the Christmas tree, using a variety of art resources.Staff report that they enjoy their roles and feel well supported by the owner and the manager.

Their genuine interest in children is evident which helps children develop a sense of belonging. Children build strong relationships with staff and respond well to their caring nature.Children's emotional well-being is well fostered.

Staff work with parents to provide extra support for children when needed. For example, providing quiet spaces for children who have not slept well the night before. Staff also liaise with school staff to ensure that they are aware of any key information that might impact on children while they are at the club.

Children receive healthy and nutritious food. They enjoy the social experience as they chat to their friends about their day and develop appropriate table manners. Staff obtain information about children's food allergies and ensure they adhere to this.

If children do not like the food offered, they can have an alternative.The resources and environment at the club are well organised. Children make their own decisions about how they spend their time after a busy day at school.

They have plenty of space to move and explore safely.Staff are aware of the procedures to follow in the event of an emergency to keep children safe. Fire drills are undertaken regularly.

Staff complete statutory training, such as first aid and safeguarding, to keep children safe.Staff make their expectations of behaviour clear, which helps children follow the rules. If staff need to remind children about appropriate behaviour, they do this gently and children respond immediately.

For example, lowering their voices.Staff share relevant information with parents when they collect their children. For example, what they have eaten while at the club.

Parents report that their children are happy at the club and enjoy attending. They say that the club's opening times before and after school make it easier for them to be able to go to work.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff are aware of the signs that might indicate that a child is at risk of harm. They know the procedures to follow to report concerns about children or potential allegations made against a member of staff. The designated safeguarding lead is clear about the processes to follow should she have any concerns about children's welfare.

Staff discuss safeguarding matters in staff meetings to help keep their knowledge updated. Staff deploy themselves effectively, which ensures the close supervision of children. The club is safe and secure.

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