Funtastic Kids @Bearwood

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About Funtastic Kids @Bearwood

Name Funtastic Kids @Bearwood
Address Bearwood Primary School, Bearwood Road, Sindlesham, Wokingham, RG41 5BB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wokingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are settled in this friendly club.

They receive a warm welcome from the caring staff team, which helps them to settle in quickly. Children have great ownership over their play choices. Staff use their knowledge of what children like and are interested in.

They plan and provide a good range of activities that keep children engaged and involved. For instance, children are deeply engaged with their friends in drawing activities, cutting and sticking. Staff provide children with a very good range of resources, which extend their play.

Children experience a variety of physical games. For instance, they thoroug...hly enjoy playing dodge ball with the staff. They run and laugh.

Staff interact and support children well, which enables children to enjoy their time in the club. For example, they effectively follow children's interests and listen to their ideas. This helps children practise their skills.

There are ample opportunities for children to develop their large- and small muscle groups.Children are kind and polite. Staff create an environment to help them to take turns.

For example, children learn to play various board games. They wait patiently for their turn and play very well together. Staff are attentive to the children's needs and develop positive relationships.

This reinforces their self-confidence and emotional well-being.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff plan opportunities for children to explore nature and the wider world in their play activities. For example, they watch caterpillars change into butterflies.

They comment that caterpillars go in a cocoon when talking about the life cycle of a butterfly. This helps children learn about the world around them.Staff organise the environment to foster children's imagination.

Children play very well together as they take turns dressing up their favourite toy characters and play in role play area. These activities engross children in their play and supports their concentration and social skills.Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour and are good role models.

Children are confident members of this club. Overall, children's behaviour is good. However, as staff prepare for some routines and activities, children sometimes have to wait for longer periods.

This means children disengage from meaningful play, which impacts on their behaviour. For example, they become louder and run around, as they are not always sure what is expected of them at these times.Staff communicate effectively with school staff.

They gather important information about children's individual needs. This helps them to recognise potential risks to children's health or emotional well-being.Staff support children to develop an awareness of a healthy lifestyle.

They encourage children to wash their hands before eating and to drink plenty of water after playing active games. Staff sit with children, talking about the different activities for the day. Mealtimes are social occasions.

Staff motivate children to be confident and independent throughout the club. For example, pour their own drinks and serve their own snacks.Partnership with parents is effective.

Staff use daily conversations to inform parents about their child's individual needs. Parents state that communication is very helpful. They say that the staff inform them about their child's time at the club.

The management team work cohesively together to ensure the smooth running of the club. The provider evaluates the club well, seeking the views of parents and children. This helps them to identify areas to develop.

For example, a calming area has been introduced to support children's well-being.The management team places high importance on keeping children safe. The premises are secure.

Leaders and staff carry out daily risk assessments to ensure that areas used by children are suitable for their needs. Good procedures are in place for parents collecting their children to ensure their safety.The management team has rigorous recruitment procedures in place to help ensure that staff are suitable to work with children.

Leaders support staff well through their induction and probationary period. They work alongside staff, supporting practice. Staff have meetings to plan their professional development.

They say that they feel valued by the management team and they enjoy working at the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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