Fusion Pre-School Southdown

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About Fusion Pre-School Southdown

Name Fusion Pre-School Southdown
Ofsted Inspections
Address St John’s Church, St Johns Rd, HARPENDEN, Hertfordshire, AL5 1DJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

The children are at the heart of this exceptional pre-school.

They are warmly welcomed by staff and confidently put away their belongings to excitedly start their day. Staff provide wonderful learning opportunities for children and act as positive role models. For instance, staff speak calmly to children and patiently wait for responses, embracing children's ideas.

Children learn Makaton from a young age and absorb themselves into extending their communication and language throughout the day. They sing a 'good morning' song using hand signs to positively express themselves. Staff show great care and nurture to c...hildren's well-being, developing strong, secure attachments.

They have discussions with children about expectations and sensitively support them to resolve minor issues. As a result, children are respectful, polite and have exemplary behaviour.Staff support children's well-being effectively through deep discussions and learning opportunities.

For instance, children talk about the effects that exercise can have on their bodies, causing their hearts to beat faster. Staff encourage children to become imaginative and test their ideas. They give praise and encouragement, and children become highly confident and feel a strong sense of belonging.

As a result, this leads to a respectful and calm environment for children to learn and play.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have created a broad and balanced curriculum, tailored to meet children's individual needs. Staff and leaders have high expectations for all children and know them exceptionally well.

They make accurate assessments and drive continual progress. Staff value children's opinions and their thoughts, demonstrating deep respect for them. As a result, children are exposed to positive role models and adopt positive attitudes to learning.

Staff and leaders prioritise and establish strong parental partnerships from the very start. This builds deep trust and collaboration to help children make the best progress. Children settle well and robust information is gathered to ensure they feel safe and secure.

The key-person approach has an effective buddy system to provide high-quality continuity in children's learning. Parents value the impact of the pre-school in the local community and the exceptional efforts the pre-school takes to enable parents to feel involved.There is a real passion to extend children's language skills.

The consistent use of Makaton has resulted in children becoming confident communicators and highly expressive. Staff widen children's vocabulary with new concepts, such as 'lighter' and 'heavier', to challenge thinking. Children have meaningful conversations about their theories and test their ideas to deepen their understanding.

Children are exposed to a wide range of activities to explore their physical development. They learn skills such as climbing, jumping and balancing to build their core strength. Children create obstacle courses to test their new physical skills.

This allows children to focus and negotiate their space.Leaders and staff take children on regular outings in the community. Children learn about nature and their local village.

They have become regular visitors to the local shop and have made strong links within the community. Consequently, children understand the world around them and become keen explorers.Staff support children's independence and their willingness to have a go.

Children take care of themselves during snack time, displaying excellent hygiene care. They wash their hands before eating, tidy up after themselves when they finish, and tuck their chairs in. Attentive staff support children when they need it and intervene to help children develop a commitment to doing things for themselves.

Leaders recognise the importance of staff's professional development and well-being. They have high standards for the pre-school and are regularly reflective. They offer staff support through regular supervisions, meetings and training to deliver high levels of care and support.

Additionally, the pre-school works in effective partnership with other professionals to target any support children need to move on effectively in their learning.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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