Futurestars Childcare

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About Futurestars Childcare

Name Futurestars Childcare
Ofsted Inspections
Address School Lodge, College Gardens, Ilford, IG4 5HW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Redbridge
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is good • Children are happy and confidently explore the interesting activities available to them.

Staff form warm bonds with children. They are sensitive to children's needs and support their emotional well-being effectively. • Staff successfully help children develop their independence skills.

For instance, children learn to do things for themselves, including serving themselves food and drink carefully at meal times and clearing away afterwards. Children are responsible, helpful and develop their self-esteem levels well. • Leaders implement effective self-evaluation procedures and reflect on the club's practice well.

They successfully recognise... the setting's strengths and areas to improve, making a clear action plan to help maintain the good-quality experiences and care of children. • Staff engage with children well and successfully encourage their involvement. They provide good opportunities for children to build on their language and social skills they are developing at school, such as through group discussions.

Children are keen to share their ideas and are confident to express themselves. • At times, staff do not plan some activities effectively to extend children's play and to help enhance their skills further. • Staff do not gather enough detailed information, from others setting's children attend, to help them plan the support they offer individual children more specifically.

Also at this postcode
On the Ball Holiday Camp Redbridge Primary School Redbridge Primary School

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