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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are excited to attend this warm and nurturing club. They are collected safely from their classrooms by friendly staff and speak with confidence about their day. This helps children to feel welcome and secure.
Children hang up their coats and bags on arrival and follow good hygiene practices, such as washing hands independently. Children help themselves to a balanced, nutritious snack after their busy day. This helps them to feel refuelled, ready to play and supports children's independence skills.
Children benefit from a well-organised environment, where they can access a wide variety of resources that support pla...y and follow their interests. For example, children pretend to be superheroes when dressing up and carefully consider which colours they will use when making bracelets for their friends.Managers and staff continue to minimise the risk of transmitting COVID-19.
Children understand why parents do not enter the club and have adjusted to the change well. Staff recognise that children's behaviour has changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and have put effective measures in place to support this. For example, children help to make the club rules and choose to be 'ambassadors' when they help their friends.
Consequently, children are kind to each other and behave very well.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff have high expectations for all children. They know the children well and make sure there are resources that follow children's interests available to them on arrival.
This helps children to settle quickly and sparks their imaginations. For example, play dough, glitter and pipe cleaners are set out for children to create their masterpieces. They take their creations home, helping them to have a sense of pride in their achievements.
Children are happy and confident. They share their ideas and tell visitors about what they like to do in club. They explain that they feel 'free to be me' in club and that they can 'sing all day' if they want to.
They state that staff are always there to support and listen to them. This helps children to have a sense of belonging and supports personal and emotional development.Children have plenty of time to play outside and exercise in the fresh air.
They access a wide range of resources and enjoy playing games. Staff support children's physical development and cooperative skills well, encouraging children to move in different ways while racing in teams from one side of the playground to another, for example.Leaders are passionate, experienced and well qualified.
They are committed to ensuring that staff are happy and feel supported in their roles. There is a clear vision for the setting that includes the views of children and families. Leaders are committed to making ongoing improvements.
Partnerships with parents are extremely positive. Parents value the high levels of communication and flexibility of the club. They value the caring nature of the staff and the variety of activities on offer.
Parents comment that club staff are 'like family' and that 'they do not know what they would do without them'.Staff are skilled in supporting children's early language and communication. They model language exceptionally well and continually introduce new words that build on children's vocabulary.
As a result, children are confident and articulate.The club and school work exceptionally well together. Information is passed between school, club and parents seamlessly.
Club staff and teachers meet regularly to discuss children's progress. This information is used to provide opportunities that support children's learning in school and build on their next steps. Parents are kept informed through termly reports of what children do while at the club and how this contributes to their learning in school.
Children have many opportunities to learn about their communities. They choose a local charity and discuss what they will do to raise money for their worthy cause. They enjoy finding out about celebrations such as Chinese New Year, Hanukah and Diwali, which extends their knowledge of the wider world.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The setting has a strong culture of safeguarding. All staff are highly trained and discuss safeguarding as part of everyday practice.
Staff are very knowledgeable about the signs and symptoms of abuse and know to refer any concerns they may have about a child to the appropriate safeguarding authorities. Robust risk assessments are completed daily to help ensure the safety of the environment. The management team completes robust recruitment and vetting procedures to ensure that those working with children are suitable.