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Leesland C Of E Junior School, Gordon Road, Gosport, PO12 3QF
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Care for the emotional well-being of the children is embedded throughout the curriculum.
Staff support children to recognise how others might be feeling. Very young children bring emotion cards to adults for discussion. Children build trusting relationships with their key person.
This supports children to talk through their feelings and helps them feel safe and secure. Staff make sure activities are well matched to the age and development of each child. Younger children engage in a range of sensory and small world resources.
Older children become engrossed in activities that further their interests, such as pa...inting, puzzles, stories and role play. Children of all ages are exceptionally motivated to learn and show high levels of concentration. Children consistently show what they know and can do.
They explore flowers and plants that are to be mixed into potions. Older children talk in detail about their art work. They carefully explain their role play and eagerly demonstrate use of the equipment outside.
Children take great pride in showcasing their skills.Children's behaviour is exemplary. They show care and respect for their peers and adults.
They work together to remind each other of the rules. Older children listen to and respond to adults immediately. Staff effectively model skills that support all children to communicate their wants appropriately.
This supports younger children to share.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff have identified delays in some children's speech and language that could be due to the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic. Consequently, all staff consistently employ the use of effective strategies to develop emerging language.
Older children are asked to reflect on their learning and talk about what they know. Toddlers frequently hear repeated key words and phrases. This supports children to make progress in their language and communication and become confident talkers.
Key staff have devised an exciting, well-planned gardening project. This has involved children at all stages, including in the planning and construction of crop beds. Children sow seeds and plant and harvest vegetables that they later cook and eat.
They create their own compost and investigate what is needed for things to grow. Children also explore garden wildlife and learn to take care of creatures. This excellent project has greatly supported children's language development and improved their understanding of sustainability and the natural world.
Leaders employ reflective practice to assess the effectiveness of the provision.Following this, changes have been made to encourage children's imagination and independence. For instance, staff now support younger children to use the outdoor equipment differently to explore new ways of climbing and sliding.
In addition, a selection of real-life clothing has been added to the dress up area with the aim of expanding children's role play ideas. New art materials have also been made freely available to encourage creativity within a range of art mediums. Adaptations like these show a continued drive by leaders and staff to improve outcomes for all children.
There is effective support for children who have English as an additional language. Staff ask parents to send in key words in the child's home language while encouraging first language use at home. Leaders ensure that both spoken and written communication with families for whom English is not a first language is clear.
As a result, these children begin to develop the skills needed to communicate their needs and wants in English.Staff offer some experiences to develop children's understanding of a range of cultural identities. For instance, families bring in foods from home for a teddy bear picnic.
In addition, children have celebrated events in British culture, such as the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. However, further experiences like these are not consistently and more deeply examined throughout the curriculum, including opportunities for children to learn more about their local communities.The approachable and experienced manager leads a knowledgeable team that provides exceptional behaviour support for children throughout the pre-school.
Staff work well with specialist agencies to support children with additional needs. In addition, the manager has been instrumental in encouraging regular and open communication between children's families and the setting. The willingness of staff to listen and respond to feedback has enabled a consistent approach to teaching and learning.
This has had a positive impact on behaviour, particularly for children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a robust understanding of safeguarding issues.
They know how to respond if they have concerns about the welfare of children in their care. Staff have a good understanding of their role in the 'Prevent' duty to keep children safe from radicalisation and extremism. Staff know the indicators of female genital mutilation and understand how to identify families at risk.
There are regular risk assessments of areas used by children at the pre-school. Children are supported to identify any hazards in the garden area which develops their understanding of how they can keep themselves safe. Accidents and injuries are recorded correctly so that staff can take action if any patterns are identified.
When necessary, staff work very effectively with outside agencies to safeguard vulnerable children. There are procedures in place to ensure the safe recruitment and induction of new staff.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen the curriculum to provide experiences that support a deeper understanding of diverse communities, both locally and in the wider world.