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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are happy, safe, secure and clearly enjoy attending this warm and welcoming club.
They are keen to attend and eagerly share news about their day in school with attentive staff. Children's emotional well-being has been given huge consideration by staff following the COVID-19 pandemic. Children confidently play with their friends and continue to develop their social skills with the reassurance that staff are close by if needed.
Children are very familiar with routines and quickly choose what they would like to do on arrival. They know to put away their bags and coats and sanitise their hands before receiving snacks.... Children understand the club rules and how to stay safe.
They have been instrumental in devising the rules in collaboration with staff. This helps children to understand about responsibility and widens their awareness of right and wrong. For example, children have designed rules such as no bullying, to have respect for themselves and others and to use toys appropriately.
As a result, children are well behaved. They follow instructions given by staff and show kindness and concern for their friends. They continually use good manners, as they remember to say please and thank you when asking for help.
The room in which the club operates quickly fills with laughter and chatter, as children play harmoniously together.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children thoroughly enjoy the many activities available. For example, children develop their creative skills, as they make flowers in preparation for Mother's Day.
Children use wool to create pom-poms and carefully stick leaves made of card along the stem. Staff talk to the children about the colours that they are using. They ask open-ended questions that help children to describe their ideas and in turn develop their communication skills further.
They concentrate intently on this task and are proud of their achievements, that are warmly celebrated by staff.Children enjoy being physically active and have many opportunities to engage in energetic play. They participate in group games where they learn the importance of team building and turn taking.
Older children help those younger to understand the rules of the game as they play 'dodgeball' outside. Children develop their gross motor skills, as they throw, catch, run and jump.Children are learning about the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle.
They follow good hygiene procedures, as they wash their hands before eating. After outdoor play, children are reminded to take regular drinks, so that they remain hydrated. Staff serve children a selection of carrot sticks, hummus and cereal bars.
However, children are not currently encouraged to be more independent at snack time in order to develop their self-care skills even further. The provider recognises this and plans to return to the practice of self-serving now that COVID-19 restrictions have been relaxed further.Children talk positively about their time at the club.
They share how they are able to select their own resources and how they enjoy choosing what they would like to do. They tell the inspector that the club is 'fun' and how they love playing with their friends.Partnerships with the host school are strong.
Staff work closely with teaching staff, continually sharing information to enable them to complement the learning that takes place in school. For example, to reflect the current theme of 'growing', staff have created a garden centre full of plants for children to explore. Children have contributed their ideas of what the garden centre should include, such as plant pots, bugs, a till and compost bin.
Further activities to enrich children's understanding of growth include drawing pictures of primroses.Staff regularly reflect on their practice and the service that they provide. They evaluate activities and make any necessary changes to ensure that children have the best opportunities and experiences.
Furthermore, they often ask children to contribute their own ideas and suggestions. This helps children to develop a strong sense of ownership and belonging which in turn helps to raise their self-esteem as their suggestions are listened to and valued.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
All staff have a secure understanding of their role and responsibility to safeguard children. They confidently describe the possible signs and symptoms that may suggest a child is at risk of harm. Furthermore, they know how to report if they are worried about a child's welfare and who to contact if they have concerns about a colleague's practice.
The provider ensures that all staff receive regular training to ensure that their knowledge remains up to date. There are robust recruitment and selection procedures in place and staff's suitability is regularly reviewed. Staff continually check that the environment is safe and secure for children to use.