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About Get Up And Go! At High Spen Primary School
Get Up And Go! At High Spen Primary School
High Spen Primary School, Hugar Road, Rowlands Gill, NE39 2BQ
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are happy to attend the club.
They are relaxed, and show they feel safe. Children enjoy playing with their friends and talking with staff. They have an active voice in the club.
Staff involve them in decision-making about the activities offered. Children enjoy a wide range of resources. They use craft materials to make models and discuss what they are, and how they will use them.
Children have access to a large outside space and can choose whether to go out or stay inside. They have lots of opportunities for energetic outdoor play, which has a positive effect on their good health and understanding of the ...benefits of physical exercise. Children are well behaved and polite.
They respond quickly to clear instructions from staff to tidy up and say please and thank you when they receive drinks and snacks. Children play cooperatively with their peers. They show a good understanding of effective hygiene routines.
They know to wash their hands on arrival and use hand sanitiser thoroughly before eating.Staff act as positive role models for children and they actively engage with them. They listen attentively and respond quickly to children's requests for help.
Children listen to suggestions from staff and then make decisions about what they will do next. Staff show warmth and empathy towards children, who enjoy positive interactions with them. For example, children were delighted when a member of staff joined in the outdoor game of 'Duck, Duck, Goose'.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Partnerships with parents are very good. Parents praise the staff and value the service highly. They say that they, and their children, have excellent relationships with staff.
Parents state that their children are happy at the club and they talk enthusiastically about what they have done. The manager talks to parents at collection times to share information about what children have been doing at the club. The manager keeps all parents informed using electronic communication.
Excellent partnership working with the host school ensures that staff are aware of children's needs. Leaders and staff at the club and school work together to best meet the individual needs of children. This allows staff at the club to know children extremely well, and build positive and supportive relationships with them.
During handovers, school staff share information about what children have been learning. This supports continuity of care.Staff arrange the sessions thoughtfully, so that even children who leave early can get the most out of attending.
For example, staff organise early outdoor play, so all children can benefit from it. Staff engage with children, offering support and being a playmate when needed. The range of outdoor resources enable children to develop their physical skills.
Children take part in games and staff members join in. Children of all ages play well together, and older children are kind to their younger peers. The atmosphere in the club is very welcoming.
Children who are new to the club receive effective support. Staff listen to children and are attentive to their emotional needs.Children are motivated and engaged in their activities.
Older children access books that interest them from a wide range available. Younger children enjoy role play and play together very happily. Staff listen to children engrossed in their animated conversations.
This aids staff in getting to know children well and being able to meet their needs more effectively.Staff update their knowledge through training and regular information sharing. This helps staff to continue to improve their practice.
They work successfully as a small team, supporting each other in their responsibilities. This supports their well-being. Staff work together on a weekly basis to reflect on the provision and to plan for the following week.
In doing so, they consider the children's individual needs and interests and how best to meet them.The manager reflects on the effectiveness of the setting. She has ambitions for the club, and understands that she needs to increase staff numbers, so she can focus on its development.
The manager maintains all the relevant records, documents and policies.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The environment is safe and secure.
Staff are deployed well to ensure children are supervised across the setting. The provider follows effective recruitment procedures to ensure that adults who work with children are suitable to do so. Staff undertake safeguarding training, to improve understanding of the 'Prevent' duty, and female genital mutilation.
Staff are able to identify signs that a child may be at risk of harm or neglect. Staff are familiar with the procedures to follow should they have concerns about a child in their care. They understand the need to refer the concerns promptly to get children the support they need.