GetActive@ShinfieldInfantNursery School

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About GetActive@ShinfieldInfantNursery School

Name GetActive@ShinfieldInfantNursery School
Address Shinfield Infant School, School Green, Shinfield, Reading, RG2 9EH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wokingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff collect children directly from their classrooms. They hold discussions with teachers to gain any information they might need.

This helps children settle quickly. Children demonstrate they feel safe and secure at the club. They instinctively know where to place their personal belongings and greet their friends with enthusiasm.

Staff are kind and have developed secure relationships with all children. They spend time getting to know them and plan a wide range of enjoyable activities and resources that children enjoy. For example, children use construction materials to design various structures.

They make predic...tions and think about shape and quantities as they build. Staff praise children for their achievements, which promotes their self-esteem.Children enjoy a variety of board games.

They demonstrate patience and a strong ability to take turns while confidently following different rules. Should children need it, staff have created designated cosy spaces, where they can enjoy reading books or simply relax and chat to their friends. Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour.

They give them opportunities to discuss the setting rules and children show that they understand why these are in place. Children of different age groups interact well together and enjoy activities alongside their peers. They thoroughly enjoy their time at the club.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The leadership team consistently evaluate the provision to drive continuous improvement. They ensure staff receive targeted coaching and role-specific training, to help benefit children. Since the last inspection, leaders have taken steps to ensure they meet all requirements.

Staff have successfully completed the required paediatric first-aid training, to ensure that there is always someone on duty with a valid certificate.Leaders actively monitor staff performance. For instance, they have identified that although staff have a solid awareness of internet safety, they do not have a full awareness of how to communicate online safety messages to children.

Leaders have plans in place to address this area of development.Staff are highly dedicated to providing a warm and nurturing space for all children. They ensure children are supported appropriately after a school day, offering a balance of planned and child-led activities.

For example, children show good creative skills and delight in making Christmas decorations. However, at times staff are a little directive and tell children how to complete their art work. This does not give them opportunities to follow through and express their own thoughts and ideas.

Staff promote children's health and well-being effectively. Children enjoy a selection of nutritious snacks. They demonstrate a clear understanding of the importance of staying hydrated and making healthy food choices.

Children enjoy daily fresh air and regular exercise, which promotes their well-being even further.Staff consistently encourage independence. For example, children confidently use knives to butter their bagels and choose different fillings to roll up in their wraps.

Mealtimes are sociable occasions, where children actively enjoy their food as they engage in conversations with their peers and staff.Staff ensure all children feel welcome and secure. They sensitively encourage those quieter children to engage with their peers, who in turn welcome them into their play.

Children are polite and helpful. They hold doors open for others, demonstrate impeccable manners, and respond promptly and respectfully to instructions from staff.Staff embrace the diversity of children and their families.

They foster an environment where children can confidently discuss their cultures and traditions. Children are respectful of their friends and listen to what their peers have to say. For example, as they engage in pretend play, they discuss wider family members and events at home.

This supports a sense of belonging at the club.Staff work closely with the onsite school to make sure that they have the information they need to support children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities. For example, they hold regular discussions with teachers to ensure continuity of care.

This promotes children's emotional well-being highly effectively.Staff regularly share information with parents about the activities and experiences their children have taken part in. They ensure there is a good two-way flow of communication, so they can consistently meet the needs of all children.

Parents say that their children are excited to attend and enjoy their time at the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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Shinfield Infant and Nursery School

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