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Springbank Community Resource Centre, Springbank Way, Spring Field Park, Cheltenham, GL51 0LG
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children's care and emotional needs are given high priority by the leaders and staff. Staff know the children well and children form strong and secure attachments with the adults who care for them, this helps children to feel safe and secure at nursery. Children settle quickly and demonstrate confidence at choosing what they would like to play with.
Leaders and staff ensure that the environment is well organised to allow children to make their own choices about the resources and toys that they use. Leaders have a clear vision of what they want children to learn, and they place a high focus on supporting children's health and we...ll-being. For instance, leaders carefully devise the menus to focus on preventing the use of processed foods and limiting the amount of sugar that children have in their diet.
Staff support children's behaviour well, they recognise that some children need more support with learning to manage their feelings and behaviour. Staff work with parents and other professionals to help children to learn how to express their feelings in an appropriate way. Children learn to share toys and to take turns when they play group games together.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Partnerships with parents are strong and well established. Parents say that staff and leaders are friendly and welcoming, they regularly share information with parents about their children's day and what they are learning. Parents report that their children are happy and well supported with their care and emotional needs.
Leaders provide parents with information about upcoming events and home learning opportunities, as well as providing parents with information about other services that they can access to support them and their families.Staff know the children well, they know where children are with their learning and what they need to learn next. The curriculum is based around using children's interests to extend their knowledge further.
However, although staff working with the older children know this, they still tend to do too much for children and do not consistently encourage children to learn to do things for themselves, to develop their independence further.There is good support in place for children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Staff have a good understanding of children's needs; they work closely with children's parents and the special educational needs coordinator to understand the specific targets that children have.
Staff recognise that some children need to have space to run, climb and to take risks in their play. They help children to learn how to keep themselves safe as they play, they talk to children about being aware of who is around them when they ride the bicycles and being careful not to hurt others. Younger children enjoy climbing and jumping as staff supervise them closely, and are near by to help them if they need it.
Children learn to follow good hygiene practices. For instance, staff regularly remind them to wash their hands before meals and after getting dirty in the garden.Leaders and staff are aware of children's different backgrounds and cultures and they consider children's past experiences.
Staff use the information that they gather well, to celebrate children's individuality and to support their communications skills, using familiar words in their home languages. Parents of children who speak English as an additional language say that they feel that diversity is promoted and celebrated in the nursery.Since the last inspection the leaders and manager have worked hard to raise the quality of the provision.
They have reviewed the organisation of the environment and staff working with the youngest children have taken part in more focussed training to help them to develop their skills and confidence with working with the babies. Leaders recognise that there are still some inconsistencies in the delivery of their curriculum and they are taking action to support staff to recognise how to challenge children sufficiently so that this is consistent throughout the nursery.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders and staff have a good understanding of their responsibilities to safeguard children. Leaders ensure that all staff have taken part in safeguarding training, and they check the understanding of staff through meetings and regular safeguarding discussions. Staff monitor the welfare of all children.
They suitably understand the procedures to follow if they have a concern about a child's safety. Leaders and the manager follow good procedures to safely recruit and monitor the suitability of the staff working with children.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: provide older children with more opportunities to learn to do things for themselves, to support them with developing their independence further continue to support staff with developing their skills so that the curriculum is implemented consistently throughout the nursery.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.