Glenfield Kids Club Limited

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About Glenfield Kids Club Limited

Name Glenfield Kids Club Limited
Address Glenfield Scout Hall, Stamford Street, Glenfield, Leicester, LE3 8DL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Leicestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children settle quickly when they arrive at the club. They excitedly tell visitors what they enjoy doing.

For example, children say, 'I love all the different craft activities we can do'. Children spend sustained periods of time persevering with making detailed bracelets and necklaces using beads. They are supported well by staff, who show them what to do and then encourage them to have a go themselves.

Children benefit from strong relationships with staff. They snuggle up to staff when they feel tired. Staff ask if they would like their favourite blanket to cuddle.

This helps children to feel safe and secure. Chi...ldren's behaviour is exemplary. They share toys well and take turns with each other.

Children use good manners, and say please and thank you without being prompted by staff. They understand the consistent behaviour expectations staff have. For example, children explain to visitors they only use a soft ball inside when playing football, so that others do not get hurt.

Children are encouraged to be independent. They tidy up before snack time. When they arrive, they take their shoes off and put them away by themselves.

Children pour drinks from jugs throughout the day when they become thirsty.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

When children start at the club, staff speak to parents about what their children enjoy doing. This helps staff get to know all about children's individual likes and dislikes.

Staff plan activities they know children will enjoy matched to their interests. This helps children to settle quickly when they start.Staff attend daily meetings with the management team to ensure they are updated with any relevant information.

For example, staff discuss any safeguarding updates and feedback on training courses they have attended. This supports their continuing professional development. Staff discuss regularly how activities have gone and what they might do differently next time.

They share ideas together to help all staff continually improve. Staff are supported by the management team to develop their skills further by completing relevant qualifications.Parents are happy with the provision.

They feel communication between the host school and club is good. Parents say that messages between home and school are passed on. They say their children ask to stay as late as possible and tell their parents not to pick them up early, as they love attending so much.

Staff encourage children to develop a healthy lifestyle. Children have the opportunity to take part in energetic games at the club, such as football. Staff also take children on many visits in the local area, such as to soft play and a range of different parks.

Children are provided with healthy snacks. Staff talk to children about what food they enjoy and how they can make healthy choices.Staff are very attentive towards the children they care for.

They deploy themselves effectively around the room and join in with the children's activities and games. For example, staff interact with children as they play with a small world castle. Staff pretend to be a dragon using a puppet.

Children laugh as staff change their voice to make it sound like a dragon. Children engage positively with all the activities on offer.Staff ensure children understand how to keep themselves safe online.

Children access a range of films if they need to rest when they become tired. Staff ensure these are age-appropriate. When playing computer games, staff make sure children are supervised at all times.

They make sure children know to tell them if they see something online which worries or concerns them.Staff do a daily handover with children's teachers at the host school. This means they know if children have had a challenging day at school and can provide extra support.

Staff find out what children are learning about at school. They offer children help with their homework if required.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The manager and staff have a good knowledge of safeguarding issues. They can identify the signs and symptoms of abuse. Staff know who to report their concerns to and feel confident to do so.

They access training on a regular basis to ensure their knowledge is always kept up to date. Staff keep accurate attendance records, including children's arrival and departure times. Staff support children to take part in regular fire drills.

They know how to exit the building quickly and safely in the event of a fire. Managers and staff complete visual risk assessments of the areas used by children. This helps to keep children safe.

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