Golden Kidz Daycare

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About Golden Kidz Daycare

Name Golden Kidz Daycare
Ofsted Inspections
Address 34-36 Revesby Walk, Birmingham, B7 4LG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Birmingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is inadequate

Breaches to the 'Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage' mean that children's safety and well-being are significantly compromised. Risk assessment is not robust. Staff do not effectively assess risks, or take action to minimise risks, to assure children's safety.

The premises are not secure and internal fire doors do not close properly. Required documentation is not available for inspection on request. Staff's knowledge of child protection is poor.

They do not demonstrate a secure knowledge of how to identify that a child may be at risk of harm. Furthermore, they do not know the procedures to fo...llow if they have a concern about a child, or an adult working with children. This places children at risk.

Staff gather some information from parents about their child when they first start at the setting. However, this is not used well enough to ensure children's individual needs are consistently met. Staff lack a detailed understanding of how to plan and implement an ambitious curriculum.

Although they complete observations these are brief, and they do not use the information gathered from these to plan activities that help children make the best possible progress. At times, children are not sufficiently challenged. They lose interest and wander around aimlessly.

Furthermore, a lack of resources and a poor curriculum does not support children's understanding of our diverse communities. Most children are compliant in their behaviour. They follow simple rules.

That said, on occasion, staff do not effectively manage challenging behaviour. As a result, children do not always begin to learn right and wrong.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leadership is weak.

Leaders fail to ensure that all staff have a good knowledge of their role and responsibilities to keep children safe from harm. Some staff have not undertaken safeguarding training, and those that have are unsure of signs that may indicate children are possibly at risk of harm. Staff are not confident in their understanding of the procedures for recording and reporting any concerns about a child or member of staff.

Staff left in charge of the nursery when leaders are not present are not confident enough to undertake their role competently. They are unable to find relevant documentation to verify suitability checks or proof of first-aid qualifications for staff working with children. As a result, children's safety is not assured.

Records staff provide of risk assessments are incomplete and inaccurate. Staff state that safety checks are completed at the start and end of the day. However, records, and hazards on the premises show that they are not.

Internal fire doors are left open and cannot be closed. In addition, the fire door which leads to the rear exit of the premises, near to where members of the public walk, is left open. This means that the premises are not secure to prevent unknown persons from entering them.

The curriculum for all children is weak. Staff do not provide children with a range of age-appropriate activities that support their learning. As a result, children do not make the progress they are capable of.

Children's speech and language is not well supported. Teaching is not aimed high enough to challenge children who communicate well. At times, staff sound the letters of words out phonetically, while at other times they say the letter name.

This does not consistently support children's awareness of letters and sounds and does not challenge their correct use of them.Children's physical development is not well supported. Although staff say that children visit the local park, this is not consistently implemented into the daily routine.

As a result, children do not regularly experience outside physical play.Children follow appropriate hygiene routines and wash their hands before eating. They enjoy fresh fruit at snack time.

Children are able to rest and sleep according to their needs. However, although staff are aware that new guidance exists about safe sleeping practices for children, steps have not been taken to ensure they fully understand the guidance to enable them to implement these effectively into the daily routine.The support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is not appropriate to meet their individual levels of understanding.

Staff do not differentiate what they are saying to ensure children understand fully what is expected them. In addition, they do not provide children with the higher level of supervision needed to ensure their safety. For example, children often run out of the rooms into unsupervised areas, and staff have to run after them.

Parents are generally happy with the service provided. They feel that staff provide support for children and keep them informed about what their child has been doing at nursery. However, leaders and staff have not considered ways to enable them to communicate with parents who speak little or no English.

Consequently, some parents do not receive up-to-date information about their child's learning.


The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.There is not an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

The provision is inadequate and Ofsted intends to take enforcement action.

We will issue a Welfare Requirements Notice requiring the provider to: Due date ensure that staff have a secure understanding of the local safeguarding procedures, to enable them to know where to report concerns about the welfare of a child or if an allegation is made against a member of staff 18/11/2024 improve staff's knowledge of safeguarding issues, to enable them to identify signs of possible abuse and to respond in a timely and appropriate way 18/11/2024 ensure that procedures for risk assessment are robust so that any hazards posed to children are identified, removed or minimised 18/11/2024 make sure that all required information and records are sufficiently organised, are easily accessible, and made available upon request, including proof of staff suitability and first aid 18/11/2024 comply with requirements of health and safety legislation, including fire safety requirements, with specific regard to fire doors 18/11/2024 ensure there is a named deputy in place, who is capable and qualified to take charge in the manager's absence.18/11/2024 To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date develop a secure knowledge of safe sleep practices for children, and implement these effectively into the daily routine 18/11/2024 implement effective strategies to manage children's behaviour in an appropriate way that helps all children, including those with SEND, to understand what is expected of them 18/11/2024 ensure that there are effective strategies to communicate with all parents, including those who do not speak English, so that they are fully aware of the activities and experiences provided for their children, the daily routines, and how they can support their child's learning at home 18/11/2024 ensure that children access outdoor activities on a daily basis 18/11/2024 ensure that there is an ambitious curriculum that is implemented effectively to support all children to make progress in all areas of their learning and development 20/12/2024 use information gained from observation and assessment, to ensure that suitably challenging activities and experiences are planned for children that take account of their individual interests and stage of development.


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