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10 Church Lane, Great Doddington, Wellingborough, NN29 7TR
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children are happy when they arrive. They are eager to greet the staff, who welcome them warmly.
Children benefit from the extensive outdoor activities provided for them in the pre-school curriculum. Children are encouraged by staff to think deeply about what they are doing as they play and to consider what might happen if they follow a particular course of action. For example, children learn to be confident to challenge themselves as they balance on the rungs of a ladder which has been laid down on the grass.
They put their arms outstretched to steady themselves and jump off, with a huge smile when they succeed. Child...ren show an interest in magnets and talk about magnets 'sticking' to metal things. Staff build on the knowledge children already have by helping them to make a chart and searching around the pre-school to see which metal and non-metal items they can find.
Children show fascination as they realise that some items look like metal but are not, and others are the opposite.Children clearly show the positive relationships they have with each other and with staff. Children work together and cooperate when they play.
They listen when staff remind them to share the resources as they use weighing scales to measure coloured rice. Children thoroughly enjoy the positive interaction from staff, and they are keen to join the activities. Children are confident to initiate conversations with staff and they snuggle up on staff's laps when they are tired.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The manager works very closely with the chairperson of the committee, who is very supportive of the pre-school. They have taken positive steps to address the action raised at the last inspection. Secure procedures are implemented to ensure that Ofsted is notified about new members of the committee.
The staff team works seamlessly together. Staff communicate effectively, which helps ensure children receive a consistent approach to their care and learning needs.Children become fully immersed in their activities and, overall, staff are skilled in extending children's learning.
When children show an interest in a model penguin, staff support them to extend their learning by looking at picture books, which promotes further interest in other sea creatures. Older children remain focused and learn new words, such as 'ocean', 'hermit crab' and 'green sea turtle'. Staff encourage children to match pictures with models and they introduce shells to bring an alternative aspect to the learning.
However, staff do not always adapt their teaching sufficiently to ensure younger children continue to be engaged as activities progress.Partnerships with parents are effective at this pre-school. Parents speak positively about their own and their children's experiences.
Parents comment on the staff's commitment to meeting their children's individual needs. This includes ongoing training and assessment of staff's skills to confirm their competency in specific care tasks. Parents like how staff share information with them to help them to continue to support their children's learning at home.
Staff work closely with parents when children start attending, to find out about the experiences children have at home. Staff plan activities to take account of what children know already and to broaden children's experiences. For example, children read stories with staff that include references to some fruits children are not familiar with.
Staff purchase the fruits so that children can experience the new textures and flavours. For children who have fewer opportunities than others to explore nature, a gardening area has been developed at the pre-school, where children can grow flowers and vegetables.Staff actively promote children's independence skills.
Children know where their coat pegs are, and they find their wellington boots to get ready for outside play. Children learn to use real crockery for their snacks. They handle the china plates, cups and jugs well to serve their own food and drinks.
Staff encourage children to make decisions about what they do. For example, children can select toys and resources from low-level shelves to enhance their play. Children know about the expectation to help to tidy away when they have finished playing.
Overall, staff ask children well-placed questions to help them to think about what they want to do. However, on occasion, staff do not fully support children to understand what is expected of them during the day. For example, they do not help children to be ready for changes in the daily routine, such as when it is time to prepare for lunch.
Children's behaviour is positive. They are busy and suitably occupied with activities that spark their interest and motivate them to be curious. Staff are good role models.
They speak to children with respect and value all children as individuals. Children show a sense of well-being at the pre-school. Staff help children to learn about taking turns effectively and to show tolerance and respect towards one another.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff demonstrate a secure understanding of safeguarding. They are aware of the signs and symptoms of abuse that may give cause for concern.
Staff complete regular refresher training in safeguarding to ensure their knowledge remains up to date. Discussions during training days and team meetings help to ensure staff know the procedures for recording concerns and reporting them to the relevant agencies. Robust recruitment systems ensure that suitable staff are employed, and existing staff are expected to make declarations to confirm their ongoing suitability.
Thorough risk assessments are in place to help to ensure children are safe. Staff are deployed effectively, and children are supervised well as they play.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: help staff develop skills to ensure that during conversations with children they adapt their interactions so younger children continue to be engaged nimprove staff's interactions with children to ensure that children clearly understand the expectations and are prepared for changes to the daily routine, such as when it is time to get ready for lunchtime.