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About Greenfield Club
Greenfield Club
The Greenfield Centre, Park Avenue, Winterbourne, South Gloucestershire, BS36 1NJ
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children enjoy attending this club.
They receive a warm welcome by the caring staff team after a busy day at school. All staff know the children well and this helps children to settle in and feel safe to explore their surroundings. Older children are kind and thoughtful to the younger ones.
They recognise when a new child is unsettled and offer reassurance by involving them in their play. Staff provide a broad range of activities for children while taking into account children's individual needs, preferences and interests. As a result, all children show high levels of engagement and concentration.
For example, chi...ldren work together to find different ways to construct a tower out of plastic cups as they attempt to balance them on top of each other. Staff are child-centred. They encourage children to share their ideas and value their feedback.
For example, staff have recently introduced sewing, as well as finger knitting, following children's request. During the inspection, children showed great concentration as they weaved wool between their fingers and made a simple chain. The managers and staff have developed secure partnerships with the linked schools as well as parents.
They regularly share information about children's daily activities and interests to ensure continuity of care. Parents are highly complimentary about the club, including the consistent support and care their children receive from dedicated staff team.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff encourage children to be independent in managing their self-care needs.
For example, children immediately wash their hands upon arrival to the club and hang up their belongings without being prompted. Younger children are assigned a key person who is responsible for helping them settle in and feel secure. Key persons build secure links with the reception class teacher and parents, to ensure the exchange of important messages and information.
Staff know how to meet the needs of all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Staff find out about children's individual interests and preferences before they start the club. For example, they ask parents to complete a 'play and learning diary' and staff make effective use of this information to plan and provide enjoyable activities as well as cater for any specific needs.
Children have opportunities to access all areas of the club, including the outdoor facilities. Staff recognise the importance of promoting daily exercise, including healthy eating. For example, staff ensure children have nutritional food options, including fresh fruit and low-sugar snacks.
Staff are vigilant of those children who have known allergies and cater for all dietary needs.Staff are good role models in promoting positive behaviour. They ensure children understand and following behaviour expectations.
For example, when children are collected by staff from their respected schools, they know to come to the meeting point in the playground. They listen to staff as they are asked to line up before walking sensibly along the pavement to arrive at the club. Staff are respectful and encourage children to display good manners and positive behaviour.
Managers and staff work well together as a team to ensure the smooth and effective running of the club. Staff receive ongoing support from managers, including one-to-one supervision meetings and regular training opportunities. Staff comment that they feel supported by management and that their well-being is given high priority.
The staff team ensure parents receive up-to-date information about their children's experience at the club. This includes providing daily face-to-face feedback as well as updates via the club's website. Parents speak very highly of the staff team.
They comment that staff continue to support their children to cope with any changes and how their children loving attending the club, both after school and during the school holiday.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Managers and staff demonstrate a secure understanding of their role to keep children safe from harm.
Staff are knowledgeable about the procedures for reporting any welfare concerns about a child or an adult, and are familiar with the club's whistle-blowing policy. Managers ensure staff receive regular safeguarding training to keep their knowledge up to date. As a result, staff are able to recognise the signs and symptoms that may indicate a child is at risk of harm, including from witnessing domestic abuse and being exposed to extreme views.