Greenslade Preschool

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About Greenslade Preschool

Name Greenslade Preschool
Ofsted Inspections
Address Pound Lane, Nailsea, Bristol, BS48 2NN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority NorthSomerset
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is good • The manager and staff work as a team to create a warm and welcoming environment.

The effective key-person system helps staff to know their children well and supports children's personal, social and emotional needs. The dedicated manager leads the staff well. • The manager monitors the quality of teaching and supports staff to undertake a range of continuous professional development opportunities.

Children thoroughly enjoy taking part in singing sessions and learn to copy actions and words. • Staff observe children's learning and track their developmental achievements. They share this information with parents in a variety of ways.

•'s physical well-being is supported well. Children enjoy regular physical activity sessions and learn the importance of exercise. Children have a strong understanding of how to keep themselves safe in the sun.

For example, they all know the importance of wearing a hat and drinking water when playing outside. • All children make good progress. Parents comment that they feel well informed about children's care and development.

Staff prepare children well for their move to school. The manager works closely with teachers in local schools and adapts activities in the pre-school to complement school routines. • At times, staff do not consistently use all opportunities to challenge children effectively in their learning, to help them think and explore their own ideas.

• Parents are very complimentary about the pre-school and the experiences their children have an opportunity to take part in. Staff successfully involve parents in their children's learning. For example, they offer them suggestions for activities to continue learning at home.

However, they do not complete written progress reviews, for all children between ages two and three. They do not inform these parents of their child's development and strengths, and identify if progress is less than typical. • The manager's use of self-evaluation is not fully effective in identifying the improvements required to develop practice and ensure that statutory requirements are being met.

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