Gt Clacton Pre-school Ltd

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About Gt Clacton Pre-school Ltd

Name Gt Clacton Pre-school Ltd
Ofsted Inspections
Address Burrsville Infant Academy, Craigfield Avenue, CLACTON-ON-SEA, Essex, CO15 4HR
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Essex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children delight in exploring the indoor and outside areas, which are expertly planned with a clear vision to provide children with endless learning experiences.

Children are inspired to behave like real-life safety inspectors as they gleefully put on their high visibility jackets to get into character. Gathering their clipboards, pen and safety spy checklists, children stand up straight and march in an authoritative manner to safety check the garden. Empowered faces walk back into the setting as the children proudly tell their peers the garden is safe.

Children listen in awe to stories that are being read to th...em. There are excellent opportunities for children to extend their communication and language skills. They excitedly choose props to interact with and bring the story to life.

There is a relaxed atmosphere and children feel safe and secure in the care of the devoted staff. Children enjoy visitors and confidently invite them to join in their role play. A flow of laughter erupts as children and staff laugh together when a child tells them a joke.

Children develop detailed knowledge across the seven areas of learning. Staff use effective modelling to introduce new ideas, concepts and vocabulary. Additionally, children benefit from remembering what they have been taught from a long time ago.

For example, children are shown how to use a real-life tape measure and count the height of objects using centimetres. Children are heard estimating the height of a staff member using mathematical vocabulary that had been previously introduced.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children's behaviour and attitude to learning is a pleasure to watch.

For example, children find a sand timer so that they can take turns playing with a popular toy. Highly skilled staff have an in-depth knowledge of each child's care needs, ensuring their emotional well-being is supported. Staff sensitively assess what children are doing and expertly offer effective strategies to support independent learning.

Children demonstrate high levels of self-control. They consistently keep trying hard when they encounter difficulties. Partnerships with parents are exemplary.

Children are provided with the continuity of care that supports their understanding of behaviour and boundaries.The provider's curriculum intent is embedded consistently and securely across the provision. All staff have a common understanding of what they want children to learn and staff are highly motivated by inspirational leadership.

Staff consistently report high levels of support for their well-being, and they are provided with opportunities to attend training courses to improve their practice further.Staff work collaboratively to ensure that the learning environment and their interactions with children are of an extremely high standard. The resources and activities offered to the children are awe inspiring and support clear learning intentions.

The impact of the curriculum on what children know and can do is demonstrated as they show high levels of concentration and enthusiasm while engaging in play.Physical and emotional health is a high priority in this inclusive setting. Children are offered the opportunity to take time out in the day to practise yoga or share a book.

These down-time activities are where children can sit with their thoughts. They are gently encouraged to talk about things that have gone well and the challenges that they have faced. Staff consistently praise children for their efforts and successes and for showing kindness and consideration for others.

Children show high levels of respect for others.Children learn about the importance of good hygiene. Children independently wash their hands before eating and after using the toilet.

Children show that they have a sense of belonging as they enjoy finding their name tag and placing it on the board to show they would like a snack. Staff value and promote equality and diversity and prepare children for life in modern Britain. For example, there are discussions at mealtimes about their likes and dislikes and different foods enjoyed in different cultures.

There is an effective key-person system. Children form secure attachments and care practices promote children's confidence, resilience and independence. This is demonstrated through staff talking in depth about children's individual personalities and learning and development needs.

Staff go above and beyond to provide opportunities for children to develop their talents and strengths. As a result, staff provide activities children enjoy and which challenge and build upon what children already know and can do. All children make excellent progress from their starting points.

Exceptional care and attention is given to meeting needs of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Some children have complex needs and all staff are informed and vigilant in making sure detailed care plans are strictly followed. Assessment is robust and this ensures that children who may need extra support are identified early.

Staff instigate excellent partnership working with other outside professionals to ensure children make the highest possible progress in their learning.Staff build trusting and friendly relationships with parents. Parents share their knowledge about their child on a daily basis so that children can be supported in the best way every time they attend.

Parents report that they are overwhelmed with the level of support offered to them. Parents are welcomed into the setting for celebration days and work collaboratively so they can extend their children's learning at home.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The provider implements effective risk assessments to ensure that children can play safely indoors and outdoors. Safeguarding is of paramount importance and all staff go through a secure recruitment process to ensure their suitability to work with children. The provider conducts regular checks to ensure the staffs continuing suitability.

The provider, alongside all the staff, has regular safeguarding training and all staff have robust knowledge to ensure the safety of children in their care. All staff can recognise the signs and symptoms of abuse and know what to do if there is a concern about a child or a colleague. Any safeguarding concerns are reported in in an appropriate and timely way.

Also at this postcode
Burrsville Infant Academy Great Clacton Church of England Junior School

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