Gummy Bears

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About Gummy Bears

Name Gummy Bears
Ofsted Inspections
Address 164-166 St Albans Avenue, Ashton-Under-Lyne, OL6 8TU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Tameside
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision requires improvement Leaders have made some improvements since the last inspection. They have successfully addressed the actions that were raised to ensure that children in their care are safe.

However, the quality of education remains variable. Leaders know what they want children to learn and experience at the nursery. However, they have not ensured that the curriculum is well-sequenced in its implementation.

Staff do not always plan activities that are appropriate to the children's ages and stages of development. For example, they place emphasis on teaching very young children how to learn the letters of the alphabet. Furthermore, sometime...s, interactions lack focus.

This does not support children to make consistently good progress.Staff provide a well-resourced environment indoors, which considers children's interests. Children show an interest in some of the activities that are provided.

For example, they splash in water and explore pom-poms and glue as they make craft creations. However, at times, when children begin exploring activities in their own way, staff are overly directive and do not allow children the time to explore and express themselves. This limits children's engagement in some activities.

Staff and children have developed strong bonds. Babies smile as they see their key worker arrive. Staff are calm and support children to label their emotions.

Children play well together and lots of laughter can be heard. Older children invite each other into their play. They ask each other for help to carry heavy objects, such as the building bricks.

Children confidently show each other their dance moves and ask staff to take photos of their creations throughout the day to share with their families. Children are settled and show great confidence in the care of the adults who know them well.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Since the last inspection, leaders have ensured that the premises are fit for purpose and suitable for the children.

Staff are clear about how to exit safely in an emergency. They check that the fire exits are clear from obstruction frequently. Staff are clear on how to identify and remove risks to keep children safe.

Leaders have devised new coaching and supervision systems. They are passionate about wanting to support staff to develop their skills and knowledge over time and to address the weaknesses in the quality of education. However, leaders are currently working directly with children due to recent staffing changes.

Although leaders have provided staff with some training, there has been minimal opportunity for them to monitor staff practice or the implementation of the curriculum. This results in inconsistencies throughout the nursery.Staff provide opportunities to support children's communication and language skills.

They use clear language as they name items and provide opportunities for children to sing to familiar songs. Even the youngest children attempt to join in with some words and older children scream with excitement as they sing about a crocodile. However, at other times of the day, staff focus on supervising the children rather than engaging in these high-quality interactions consistently.

Staff support children's understanding of healthy lifestyles. They are good role models, who discuss the importance of handwashing and drinking water. Children are provided with healthy meals.

Some staff use mealtimes as an opportunity to talk about the impact of healthy food on our bodies. Children talk about the ingredients and discuss how they are becoming stronger.Leaders place high importance on supporting children's independence.

All children attempt to feed themselves with increasing skill. Older children serve their own food and scrape their plates when they have finished. Children wipe their own faces when they have eaten and shout proudly when they put on their own coats, 'I did it!' These experiences help to support each child's confidence and self-esteem.

Partnerships with parents and other agencies are strong. Parents are included and informed about their child's day and their learning and achievements. Leaders have developed strong relationships with other settings where children attend and other agencies who support children.

These links help to support consistency for children's learning.Leaders are passionate about providing positive outcomes for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Leaders have implemented effective assessment procedures and identify when children may benefit from extra help in their learning.

They demonstrate a clear understanding of children's individual learning plans. However, at times, some staff do not use their interactions to help extend children's individual next steps.The curriculum for mathematics is implemented well.

Staff are clear how to support children's mathematical skills throughout the nursery. Staff count as they play alongside the children. Babies repeat numbers they hear in interactions and songs.

As older children gather bricks, leaders encourage them to consider the size of their buildings. Children use mathematical language in their play confidently as they describe shape and size.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date implement a well-sequenced curriculum that meets all children's individual needs 12/12/2024 improve staff supervision to target the coaching and mentoring needed to help improve their knowledge of the curriculum and to raise the quality of education.12/12/2024 To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nimprove the quality of staff interaction with children so they are consistently effective in supporting and extending children's play and learning.

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