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About Hagley Primary Out of School Clubs
Hagley Primary Out of School Clubs
Hagley Primary School, Park Road, Hagley, STOURBRIDGE, West Midlands, DY9 0NS
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children arrive at this club following a well-thought-out handover from the linked school.
They settle quickly as they arrive, with support from staff, and sit together on the carpet. Children are split into two groups, depending on their age, which allows all children to be supported effectively by members of staff that know them well. This also means that key workers understand the level of development children are at and provide opportunities to further build on their skills.
Children are encouraged to be independent as they are served a healthy, balanced snack. They sit down and talk to their peers as they eat. Childre...n recall what they have learned throughout the day at school.
For example, children count in Spanish as a member of staff praises them. Children are given opportunities to make choices throughout the whole session, including those children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They select which resources they would like out, and decide if they want to play with them inside or outside.
A wide range of activities are available for the children to choose from. Older children have a sports coach that offers them several different physical activities on a daily basis. This encourages children to be more active during their time in the club.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children behave well and show respect for each other, staff and their environment. Children take care of the resources they use and help staff during the session. For example, children stand with staff to model activities and how to use resources correctly to their peers.
This encourages all children to have a go themselves.Children follow the rules and routines of the club extremely well. They are able to go to the toilet independently.
Children also wait for staff members to tell them before they move from one space to another within the large club.Children and staff communicate well. Children tell staff what they want and staff respond quickly and effectively, involving children in small tasks as much as possible.
Children listen to what staff ask and follow their instructions. For example, children tidy their own plates and bowls at snack time and line up after staff ask them to.Parent partnership is a strength of this club.
Parents state how they can see the passion staff have for providing the best care possible for all children. They comment their children have flourished socially and emotionally since attending the club. Staff share a wide range of information with parents through many different ways, and parents know who their child's key workers are.
Children with SEND are supported by two newly appointed special educational needs and/or disabilities coordinators in the club. However, as they become familiar with their new roles there is room for their knowledge to be built on, to further enhance the good support offered to these children within the club.Staff state how they are supported by the manager.
They have regular supervisions that allows them to share any good practice or concerns they may have. The manager has recently developed the role of a staff well-being champion as well as supporting the well-being of all children. This encourages high morale and ensures the positive attitudes of all staff in the club.
The manager of the setting has high ambitions for this out-of-school-club. It is clear the manager wants to offer the best service possible and uses reflective practice to continually improve what the club offers.Children play creatively during role play.
Staff ask open-ended questions to encourage children to further use their imagination and express themselves. For example, children talk in a group with staff about being princesses as they sit on beanbags in the outdoor area.The outdoor area offers a wide variety of opportunities for all children.
Several group activities are available for children to join in and this supports their social skills and development. For example, children take turns as they play badminton. Children also listen to the instructions for a game of football and play in teams against each other.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff ensure the environment is safe and secure for the children to move freely around. The manager ensures risk assessments are completed within the indoor and outdoor space to check for hazards.
Staff have a good knowledge of safeguarding. They understand what they would do if a child was at risk of harm and know the procedures they should follow. The manager regularly attends training and this information is shared with other members of staff to keep their safeguarding knowledge up to date.