Hakuna Matata After School Club

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About Hakuna Matata After School Club

Name Hakuna Matata After School Club
Address High Halstow Primary Academy, Harrison Drive, Rochester, Kent, ME3 8TF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Medway
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy and confident to come into the large open playroom. They have secure relationships with staff. This helps the children to settle with ease when they arrive at the after-school club from their school or pre-school.

Children are independent and have a well-embedded routine in place. For instance, on arrival, children leave their jackets on if going straight into the outdoor area. This ensures they are wearing appropriate clothing in the cold weather.

Meanwhile, others independently take their coats off and put them on a side table before engaging with activities. Children are fully engaged in activities of... their choice, which enhances positive behaviour. Children are also asked on arrival what resources they would like to play with.

For instance, in the outdoor area children ask for some scooters. Staff take these out of a safe and well-situated storage cabinet. Children are provided with opportunities to be involved with planning and setting up.

This encourages independence for children and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). For instance, both the older and younger children help staff to wheel ride-along toys from the storage area to the playground. All children then ride these, with the older ones showing the younger ones what to do.

Staff also bring some of these resources indoors when requested by the children.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff take the lead from the children by incorporating children's interests into their plans. They also find out from the school and pre-school what the children are learning.

For instance, they currently have a 'Stone Age' theme, which was chosen following discussions with the children and liaising with the school. Children learn better because their school and pre-school's theme are incorporated into the learning at the setting. This fosters continuity in learning between the school and after-school club.

Staff liaise with other professionals that work with the children. For instance, if children are not settling then they speak with the pre-school. They also liaise with the pre-school to inform them of what children have learned in the club.

This in turn improves outcomes for children. It also better enhances their learning and well-being.Staff use all opportunities to enhance the experiences available to children, including those with SEND.

For instance, staff make snack time a learning opportunity by giving the children cupcakes to celebrate a staff member's birthday. Staff talk about and share images of the places they visited for their birthday. This enhances the experience for children.

Staff have good relationships with parents. Parents state that they trust the professional judgement of the staff in meeting their children's needs. They state how important the setting is to their community.

This shows good partnership that helps their children thrive in the care of the staff.Staff work together to encourage continuous professional development. For instance, they make sure any mandatory training, such as first aid, is up to date and that they always have the latest information to meet the needs of the children in their care.

Most parents have a long-term relationship with the setting. For instance, all the younger children in the setting have older siblings, who are either in the setting or have moved on. This enhances the settling in of the younger children.

It also encourages continuity and stability for the children.Staff are consistent in managing children's behaviour. This helps children behave well.

Staff have a key rule that is 'be nice' and they remind the children of this frequently. This helps enable a caring culture among all the children.Children enjoy their time at the setting.

For instance, younger children who come with their parents to pick up older siblings want to stay behind and play with others, even though they are not scheduled to be in on that day.Children eat healthy snacks after playtime in the outdoor area. Older children wash their hands before sitting down on the carpet for their snacks.

Staff support younger children to wash their hands. They also provide a step for easier access for younger children. This encourages the children to be independent.

At times, however, staff do not make the most of opportunities to encourage independence. For instance, children are not encouraged to take part in getting snacks ready even though they have the ability to do so.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have a good understanding of their responsibility to keep children safe. They have a broad knowledge of safeguarding issues. Staff are aware of safeguarding procedures and how to implement these.

They know the appropriate actions to take when they identify any safeguarding concerns and where to seek guidance if required. They make sure the premises are safe on a daily basis. They supervise children effectively to ensure that they are kept safe in the setting.

Also at this postcode
High Halstow Primary Academy High Halstow Pre-School Ltd

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