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Hale Day Nursery, 60 Bankhall Lane, Hale, Altrincham, WA15 0LG
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children are exceptionally happy in this nursery. On arrival, babies snuggle contentedly into their key person.
Older children skip into the nursery, eager to see what exciting things the day holds. Babies explore the marks they make with paint covered autumn leaves. Toddlers listen intently to a member of staff reading 'Dear Zoo' before erupting into a lion roar.
Children develop large motor skills by safely building dens at forest school. Children make excellent progress through the broad curriculum the staff provide. Staff constantly seek new experiences that build upon children's interests and extend their l...earning.
There are high expectations of all children and they respond with high levels of self-confidence. They enjoy challenge and show resilience as they run, climb and balance outdoors. Staff treat children with the utmost respect.
Care routines are sensitive, staff ask children to take part and explain why. As a result, children learn to care for themselves and become very independent. The respectful behaviour modelled by staff is mirrored in children's exchanges with each other.
Children work together, politely ask for help and begin to resolve conflict themselves. Parents know that their children will have fun and be safe in the staff's care.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The curriculum is highly focused and provides children with the knowledge and skills they need for future learning.
Learning across the seven areas is carefully sequenced to build upon what children know and can do. Staff know exactly what they want children to learn throughout their time at the nursery. All staff contribute to planning activities which build towards that ambitious goal.
This inspirational pooling of expertise ensures children are challenged and highly motivated.Children remember what they learn and show high levels of engagement. For example, children eagerly await the arrival of the cook, who explains what is for lunch using sign language.
Children then enthusiastically repeat the signs. Children learn five to six key signs in each room they move through and a 'sign of the week'. Pre-school children have built a large repertoire of sign language, which shows they retain knowledge well.
Children benefit from focused teaching episodes, rich in new vocabulary. Children confidently use the new words they learn to communicate very effectively. For example, children learn about dental health and say, 'I will be a dentist soon'.
They then tell friends who join the activity that there is fluoride in the toothpaste. At lunch, children tell staff that cheese contains calcium to make their teeth strong. Promoting clear speech and a wide vocabulary underpins all practice in the nursery.
As a result, children communicate exceptionally well.The setting provides varied opportunities to learn, explore and test mathematical concepts. Children count the legs of 'Mr Skinny Legs' the spider and catch certain numbers of toy speckled frogs from the tank.
They share out conkers and put numbered ducks in order. As a consequence, children are interested to learn about number through play.Staff ensure their practice is inclusive.
Barriers to children's learning are quickly identified through the use of assessment. Staff make highly effective plans to support children's progress. Staff work with other agencies to establish high levels of support for children.
All children take part in outings with children's individual needs carefully considered. The use of sign language supports children who are non-verbal to be part of the nursery community. As a result, all children make good progress.
Staff provide a rich variety of experiences to promote children's understanding of the world. Children learn from visitors from different cultures, vocations, backgrounds and religions. Children enjoy tasting foods and exploring clothes from different cultures.
Children enjoy bus trips to feed the ducks and visit a church, where they sing for care home residents. All parents are asked to share their culture and staff seize upon opportunities to celebrate diversity.An exceptionally strong key-person system ensures children feel secure and happy.
The key person knows the children well. This ensures learning is unique to the individual child. The key person works closely with parents and carers to ensure children's needs are met.
Parents have opportunities to share in their child's learning through weekend stay-and-play sessions and regular contact with staff. Families take part in weekly challenges, which continues children's learning at home.Staff receive support and training to achieve their shared vision of nurturing life-long learners.
The manager ensures staff maintain high levels of enthusiasm by supporting their well-being. As a result, staff continually strive to provide an even higher standard of care and education for all children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders ensure highly effective safeguarding practice is ingrained in daily routines. Through regular training, staff are acutely aware of the signs that a child could be at risk of abuse. All staff have an excellent understanding of the procedures to follow if they have any concerns.
Checks are carried out to ensure all staff are suitable to work with children. Leaders ensure safety policies are fresh in staff's minds by setting weekly challenges to test their knowledge. The nursery holds 'Millie's Mark' accreditation.
This means every member of staff is first-aid trained and well equipped in an emergency. The setting teaches children how to keep themselves safe. For example, in forest school, children learn the skills they need to climb a tree, attend a campfire or meet a dog safely.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.