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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children appear extremely happy and show very high levels of engagement in this welcoming nursery. They are supported exceptionally well by a devoted team. As a result, children develop extremely good communication and social skills and thoroughly enjoy exploring and playing.
They are very interested in a wide variety of high-quality activities. Children demonstrate excellent levels of independence throughout the day. They are very confident to make choices about their play either inside or outside.
Children's communication and language development is excellent, and they are supported to make rapid progress. Sta...ff introduce children to an increasingly wide vocabulary through a variety of ways, such as songs, rhymes and books.Children behave extremely well and respond quickly to prompts from staff.
They learn from staff who are excellent role models. For instance, children talk about using calm and gentle voices when their friends are nearby. If they are far away children know to go and find them to chat, rather than shouting across a room.
Children develop high levels of respect for each other. The atmosphere inside and outside is gentle and extremely busy as children engage wholeheartedly in learning and having fun. For example, they work collaboratively to create their very own 'bird hide', using camouflage netting and deciding on the optimum spot for this.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The management team and staff make excellent use of any additional funding available. This is spent well and has a highly positive impact on children's lives. For example, one-to-one support for children experiencing communication difficulties ensures that targeted intervention helps to swiftly narrow or close gaps in their learning.
Children are exceptionally well prepared for the move on to school.Staff encourage children to understand the importance and benefits of good oral hygiene. They also ensure that children learn about healthy eating through daily conversations that challenge their existing knowledge.
Snack time is an excellent learning experience for children. Staff help them to make choices to develop their independence, as they choose what they would like to eat. Children understand the nursery routines and, from an early age, respond exceptionally well to instructions.
Staff supervision meetings are completed regularly and taken seriously. All staff work very effectively with children. They talk confidently about their workload being managed and feel that their well-being is fully protected by the provider.
They all say that the nursery is an exceptional place to work. Recruitment procedures are robust to ensure that those working with children are suitable.Staff observe and assess children's progress very well.
They show a comprehensive knowledge of children's individual learning and development needs. The support for all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, is highly effective. Staff work closely with other professionals and take on board any suggestions to help with children's development.
This inclusive approach helps all children to achieve their full potential.Parents speak very highly of the provider and staff. They comment positively about the ongoing support they receive and the excellent range of information that is shared with them.
They are very clear that the systems used by the nursery help them to learn about their children's ongoing progress and enable them to extend this learning further at home. Parents are keen to share photographs and provide written observations of their children's achievements. Staff use this information very effectively to develop further learning opportunities that enable children to build securely on all that they know and can do.
The provider leads with dedication and enthusiasm. She has secure plans to ensure the continuous development of the nursery. There is a clear focus on training that is targeted to continue to improve staff's knowledge, understanding and skills.
The management team works effectively with other agencies and schools. This includes making reviews of current practice and developing new and more effective ways of working together.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
The management team has put in place very effective policies and procedures that are well understood by all staff. Staff's safeguarding knowledge is excellent and is highly relevant to the needs of the children and the community. All staff are well trained and highly vigilant.
They know how to share any concerns or worries about children's welfare. Staff act swiftly and determinedly to ensure every child is safe and well protected. They make sure that the nursery remains safe and secure and promote children's understanding about how to manage risk for themselves.