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About Hambleton Play Safe Club
Hambleton Play Safe Club
Hambleton C of E Primary School, Gateforth Lane, Hambleton, Selby, North Yorkshire, YO8 9HP
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
They use their imagination to create a menu and pretend to serve ice cream and coffee to their friends and staff. Children are very confident and social individuals, who are keen to talk to the inspector. They share their experiences at the club, school and home.
Children say they like attending the club and enjoy playing outside with their friend...s and playing football.Children have established close and trusting relationships with staff. They are enthusiastic to share news about their lives.
Children excitedly talk to staff about what they have been doing at school and their home life. Children are extremely well behaved and polite. They listen well to staff and are aware of the rules and boundaries in place.
Children recall the club's expectations at mealtimes. They demonstrate good table manners and say 'please' and 'thank you' without being prompted by staff.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The club is organised to maximise children's involvement.
Children help to make decisions about all aspects of the club, including the activities on offer and the meals served. For instance, children are interested in wildlife and enjoy making pictures of hummingbirds using a range of craft materials.Staff skilfully help children to become independent.
Children help to complete tasks and do things for themselves. For example, children serve their own meals, help to tidy away afterwards and adeptly get themselves dressed to go to extra-curricular activities.Staff successfully support children to understand their feelings and emotions.
Children explore the meaning of words such as 'empathy' and 'compassion'. They discuss the things that make them happy and what makes them a good friend.Children have plenty of opportunities to be active and get fresh air.
They have access to a spacious outdoor area where they can run around and join in with a range of games and activities. Children delight in playing football and tennis. They demonstrate their gymnastic skills and take it in turns to skip.
Parents are incredibly happy with the service provided at the club. They say that their children enjoy attending and have access to a wide range of activities. They are extremely complimentary about staff, who they describe as being kind, friendly and approachable.
Parents praise the wide variety of food that children can choose from at breakfast and for after-school snack.Partnerships with parents are strong. There is a good level of communication between home and the club.
Staff give detailed feedback to parents about the activities on offer and what children enjoy doing at the club.Staff establish good partnerships with the local school that children attend. They regularly meet with class teachers and share a range of information about children's day.
Self-evaluation is successful. The manager takes the views of children and parents into consideration when making improvements. For instance, parents are no longer coming into the club and do not always see what their children are doing.
The manager has recognised this as an area to improve. She has introduced a social media page and photo wall to share children's experiences with their parents.Staff are well supported in their role.
They complete regular training to keep their knowledge and skills up to date. Staff enjoy working at the club and say that the manager is helpful and approachable.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Safer recruitment procedures are followed when appointing new staff. There are robust induction and monitoring process in place to make sure that staff are suitable to work with children. Mandatory safeguarding training is kept up to date, including training about female genital mutilation and 'Prevent' duty guidance.
Staff have good safeguarding knowledge and are aware of the signs that may indicate a child is at risk of harm. They know the correct procedures to follow should they have any concerns about a child's safety or welfare. They are aware of the actions to take if they are concerned about a colleague's behaviour towards the children.