Hamilton Nursery

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About Hamilton Nursery

Name Hamilton Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 25 Hilltop Road, Hamilton, Leicester, LE5 1TT
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Leicester
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are very happy at this nursery. They are greeted at the door by friendly staff, who support them to separate from their parents before moving on to find their friends.

Babies are handled carefully and taken to the 'Discoverers' room where they are met and welcomed by caring, warm staff, who understand their individual needs. Older children, 'Explorers and Inventors', are encouraged to lead the way as they rush to explore what they will be doing today. 'Foundation Unit' children ably manage the stairs as they chatter to staff about what they have been doing at home.

Children are encouraged to independently mana...ge their own coats, shoes and other belongings. The relationships between staff and children are very positive, which helps children to feel safe. Staff have high expectations of children and, consequently, children's behaviour is very good.

Positive interactions with staff contribute to children's learning, and support children to understand and manage their own behaviour. Children are learning to be kind to their friends. Staff support them with gentle reminders about sharing, waiting and taking turns.

Babies are supported to wait until their friend has reached the bottom of the slide before they sit down for their turn. Older children are supported to share craft resources when they colour and draw shapes.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager spends time in each room and is attentive to the development needs of the staff.

She has a clear vision for the nursery's future. Staff and the manager share positive relationships. The manager observes staff interactions with children and uses her findings to enhance staff development.

She provides staff with purposeful feedback, while encouraging them to become reflective practitioners.Parents speak very highly about the nursery. They comment that the verbal and .

Parents attribute children's positive social development to the time they spend at nursery. They specifically mention the strong bonds children have with staff. Consequently, parents are confident that their children are safe and well cared for.

Staff understand that children have different home experiences. They are aware that some children may not have access to outside space, therefore, they plan for children to play outside every day. Children run around freely, enjoying the large climbing frame and slide.

Older children visit the forest area. They climb trees, hang lanterns and learn to be respectful of their environment and the things within it.Staff encourage children's independence.

All children, including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), learn to brush their teeth, pour drinks, and serve their own lunch. Staff build on children's existing skills, which helps them be ready to move rooms within the nursery or to start school.Staff develop a well-considered, exciting curriculum that supports children's learning.

Babies and toddlers choose freely from activities, games and books. Older children enjoy sensory play, arts, crafts and drawing. Children have enjoyed a Jubilee tea party and staff support them to make tea in the water tray.

They explore tea bags and learn that tea turns the water brown. Staff support children's curiosity to learn as they open the tea bag to look inside. However, mathematical development could be further enhanced in children's play.

For instance, when pouring between containers, staff could introduce the idea of capacity and measurement.Staff encourage children to broaden their knowledge about things that interest them. Pre-school children collect bugs and leaves in a bucket.

They find a millipede and are excited to examine it using an investigation pot. Staff encourage children to gather information from books and provide them with information from the internet. Children learn new vocabulary and begin to understand it.

For example, they explore the difference between millipedes and centipedes.Children with SEND, and children who speak English as an additional language, are provided for very well. This enables them to make the best possible progress.

Staff work well with the external agencies who are involved with individual children. Appropriate plans are developed to support children and their learning. For example, the manager uses funding to employ specialist, bilingual support staff.

This helps staff to communicate with children and supports children and families to be able to express their needs.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a very good understanding of safeguarding and know about the signs and symptoms of abuse.

They recognise how to record and report concerns to the designated safeguarding lead for the nursery. Staff are required to complete regular training to ensure their knowledge of safeguarding issues remains up to date. The manager and staff complete effective daily risk assessments in the nursery.

The premises are secure and well maintained, which contributes to keeping children safe. The manager employs a robust process to ensure all staff have been appropriately checked and vetted and remain suitable to work with children.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: develop further the language staff use with children to support learning, particularly mathematical concepts.

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