Hampstead Community Centre Playscheme

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About Hampstead Community Centre Playscheme

Name Hampstead Community Centre Playscheme
Ofsted Inspections
Address Fitzjohn’s School, 86a Fitzjohn’s Avenue, London, NW3 6NP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Camden
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is goodnStaff are welcoming, enthusiastic and friendly.

Children are excited about their time at the playscheme, and parents talk about how difficult it is to get them to leave at the end of the day.nThe manager is committed to the continual development of the playscheme. She involves children, parents and staff in the ongoing self-evaluation to identify what they can improve further.

nAll activities provided are appropriate for the different ages of the children, and staff take account of children's interests and level of development. nChildren get involved in the local community. For example, they visit a local resources centre for older people each week ...throughout the holiday.

They spend time having fun with the 'not so young' and play bingo, sing songs, do arts and craft and have tea and cake together.nStaff supervise the children well. They set clear rules and boundaries to keep children safe, and children's behaviour is good.

nStaff build positive relationships with parents, who comment on the care and experiences that their children receive.nChildren show good levels of well-being. They tell visitors that they like coming to the playscheme.

They enjoy mixing with lots of children from different schools and with differing skills, ages and abilities.nSometimes, staff complete tasks for children which they are able to do for themselves.nOccasionally, staff miss opportunities to use the languages that children hear at home.

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