Hanham Toddlers Preschool

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About Hanham Toddlers Preschool

Name Hanham Toddlers Preschool
Ofsted Inspections
Address Hanham Methodist Church, Chapel Road, Hanham, BRISTOL, BS15 8SD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority SouthGloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children learn through a meaningful and well-sequenced curriculum. Staff provide varied experiences for children and specifically tailor them to meet their individual needs. They develop children's literacy skills superbly as they provide simple instruction leaflets showing children how to make coloured 'potions'.

Younger children show deep focus, fascination and curiosity as they add ingredients, watching in wonder when their potions change colour. Staff plan activities that coherently extend and facilitate children's learning and progression. For example, staff introduce real tools and support children to hammer pegs i...nto fruit to develop children's hand-eye coordination.

Staff extend this well, and children engage for long periods of time as they then carefully hammer small nails into pieces of wood. Staff ensure that children are aware of safety. All children, including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are challenged in their learning and make excellent progress.

Attentive, caring and passionate staff support children well, meaning that children feel safe, secure and valued. Managers and staff have high expectations for all children and gently encourage children to be kind and caring. Staff securely embed routines and boundaries, and as a result, children's transitions between activities are seamless.

Children have a strong sense of belonging and confidence, supporting their well-being. Children immediately respond to instructions and show respectful behaviour, such as listening, taking turns and helping their peers. For example, older children help each other when doing their zips up.

They are extremely well mannered and helpful.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff use detailed information collected from their home visits and observations to inform children's starting points. They know exactly what they want children to achieve, ready for the next stage in their development.

The environment is meticulously planned to embed learning. Children develop a love of books and can retell simple sentences. For example, younger children revisit 'Jack and the Beanstalk' when digging in soil and recall, 'I'm digging for beans, when I wake up there's a beanstalk.'

Staff use their expert knowledge to challenge children in their learning. For example, staff have implemented a fundamental movement programme aimed at older children, supporting their physical development. Staff have adapted this for younger children to access, recognising the importance of sequencing children's learning.

As a result, children begin to develop and build their physical skills more precisely from a young age.Staff use opportunities well to introduce various aspects of learning. Older children enjoy a game of 'What's the time Mr Wolf?' and begin to understand the concept of time.

Staff support children's mathematical skills when using language such as 'one more', and they enhance children's communication as they introduce new vocabulary, such as 'twist' and 'stretch'.Managers encourage staff to share their passions and expertise with the children, introducing them to an even wider range of rich experiences. This has resulted in staff supporting children's emotional well-being superbly.

For example, staff who are trained in forest school run a programme where children enjoy various small-group activities. Children build bug houses and make miniature gardens, and staff notice quick progression in children's self-confidence and relationship building.Managers and staff demonstrate a strong commitment to working in partnership with parents.

Parents notice their children's 'new-found knowledge', particularly surrounding nature, and they comment on how the use of the outdoors really supports their learning. Parents value the 'community' feel the managers have created and the long-serving staff team.The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) provides excellent support for children with SEND.

She is highly experienced and passionate about improving outcomes for all children. She works closely alongside staff, parents and other professionals. Staff have received specific training on SEND and have implemented strategies such as Makaton signing and visual aids to further support children to reach specific learning targets.

Managers have an excellent oversight of the provision and closely monitor children's development. They value and show high levels of respect for staff and their well-being. This helps to motivate staff in sharing new and innovative ideas they gather from training, inspiring each other to excel in their work with children.

Children achieve the best possible outcomes in their learning.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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