Hanslope 326 Club

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About Hanslope 326 Club

Name Hanslope 326 Club
Address Hanslope County Combined School, Long Street, Hanslope, Buckinghamshire, MK19 7BL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority MiltonKeynes
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children gain plentiful independence skills. They confidently follow routines and instructions to make healthy choices at snack time.

Children decided where and when to play outside, putting on their coats to keep themselves warm. They ask for further resources, using a reference book of the activities available to them to make choices. For example, children ask for books about fairies to read in the soft-cushioned area.

Staff direct them to an extra store of books, where children can select books for themselves.Children show high levels of perseverance and determination to gain new skills. For example, children try to gra...sp the skill of using the stilts.

Older children quickly support them by giving them demonstrations and explanations as to how to hold the stilts and balance. Staff support children well to develop these new skills, explaining how to use the wall to balance. Children continue to try and try again until they have both feet on the blocks and are balancing alone.

Children choose from a good range of play experience, both inside and outside. They work together to produce individual creations with a range of materials, asking for different cards, tissues and fixing materials. The activities that staff plan for the children are stimulating and interesting.

For instance, children show great excitement as they use large go-carts outside. They work as a team again to propel them forward and to race alongside each other. Children are constantly occupied and busy.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children show care and empathy towards others. They are quick to respond when their friends are either hurt or have a fall. For example, older children quickly help younger children up from the floor when they have taken a fall from ride-on equipment.

They ask if they are 'alright' and encourage them to have another go.Children's behaviour is good. They negotiate well with their friends during team games.

Children try to cooperate by talking issues through. They confidently ask staff for help when they are not able to resolve a dispute. This helps children to recognise their feelings and share them with others.

Staff work cohesively to support each other's skills and knowledge. They pass on new information and practices to provide a consistent approach for children's play and care. Staff complete ongoing training to develop new strategies.

They are very aware that strategies for play are reviewed for every group of children attending.Children's physical well-being is promoted well. Children thoroughly enjoy playing outside in the fresh air.

Staff recognise that some children prefer outdoor play to indoors. Children have a choice of healthy snacks and can freely access fresh drinking water. Children who prefer to play indoors choose from different physical activities.

For example, they balance balloons and work together to keep it up in the air.Staff evaluate the effectiveness of their engagement with children on a daily basis. They observe children's reactions and any changes in their play.

Staff use this to make effective changes for the next session. They are deployed well to promote children's safety. Children have very positive relationships with staff, stating that they are 'easy to talk to' and can 'talk to them about anything'.

Parents make positive comments about the club. They are reassured that their children are safe and happy. Parents say that their children have fun and use their interests to enjoy games and activities with their friends.

Parents feel particularly confident that their children's needs are met through the consistent approaches and positive partnerships the staff have with the school.Staff provide an inclusive environment for children to play in. They positively support children to feel part of a team, to work together and help identify their individuality.

Staff work alongside other professionals to promote continuity towards children's care and well-being.Children develop close friendships, inviting each other into their play. They are proud to show their friends their finished constructions and actively listen to ideas as to how to improve it.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a very clear understanding of their responsibility to keep children safe from harm. They know the signs and symptoms of child abuse.

Staff update their knowledge regularly through information and training. Children play in a safe and secure environment. Staff are particular vigilant and communicate well with each other, to know exactly where children are playing at any given time.

Children develop a confident sense of safety. They support each other to learn how to keep themselves safe. For example, older children give younger children advice and support as to how to safely use the large ride-on equipment.

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