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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is inadequate
Staff do not have a good enough knowledge and understanding of child protection processes. The provider does not consistently follow safer recruitment processes at all times.
These weaknesses in safeguarding processes compromise children's welfare.Staff build warm relationships with children. Children run to greet them when they see them in the morning.
Staff speak in calm and positive tones to children throughout the day. They praise children warmly with descriptive praise. For example, children smile proudly as staff exclaim, 'Wow, you are squeezing the play dough so hard.'
However, staff do not provi...de some children with sufficient opportunities to develop their curiosity and problem-solving skills. They do not consistently plan well-thought-out learning opportunities or use effective questioning to help children to develop and extend their play.Staff provide a wide range of activities for children to participate in.
For example, children enjoy climbing on the climbing frame, playing with the water and building with construction toys. Staff support children to follow their interests and choose what they would like to play with. However, staff do not carefully consider how to ensure that each child accesses learning opportunities in all areas of the early years foundation stage.
This impacts on the progress that children make.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff do not accurately identify child protection concerns that need to be referred to external agencies. They do not understand the processes to follow if they have a concern about a child.
This impacts on children's well-being.The provider does not consistently follow robust vetting processes to recruit new members of staff. For example, they do not always take up references when new staff are appointed.
This means that the suitability of all staff members to work with children cannot be assured.The provider does not ensure that all members of the committee, who are required to do so, complete the necessary suitability checks with Ofsted. This is a breach of the requirements of the early years foundation stage.
The provider does not store records and information in a well-organised manner. They cannot find important documents, such as paediatric first-aid certificates. Therefore, the provider does not know important information, such as the exact dates when first-aid training expires.
This does not ensure that the setting is safe for children at all times.The provider does not consistently, carefully consider how to sequence learning for children in each area of the early years foundation stage. Too often, staff do not provide individualised learning opportunities for children who are at different ages and stages of development.
This impacts on opportunities, in particular for older children, to develop their problem-solving skills and curiosity.Staff give children some opportunities to develop their communication and language skills. For example, children enjoy listening to stories and doing the actions as they sing songs.
However, staff do not consistently use a wide enough range of new and ambitious vocabulary during their interactions with children. This does not support all children to consistently make progress in their language development.The provider does not ensure that arrangements for the key-person system are effective enough.
When a key person leaves the setting, staff do not promptly assign a replacement, or make parents aware of who their child's new key person is. This means that staff are not able to carefully consider gaps in some children's learning and support them to close these gaps through well-planned learning opportunities.The support that staff provide for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is a strength of the setting.
Staff work well with external professionals to set appropriate targets for children with SEND. They use strategies recommended by these professionals to support children. For example, staff help children to understand the routines of the setting well.
They use countdowns and visual symbols to support children to transition to the next part of the routine.Staff form positive parent partnerships. Parents and carers spend time in the setting as they drop off their children.
This supports children to happily transition into the setting every day. Staff offer regular feedback to parents about what their children have been doing. Parents find staff approachable and appreciate the support they offer if they have any concerns about their children's development.
The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.There is not an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage and Childcare Register the provider must: Due date ensure that all staff, including leaders, have a suitable understanding of child protection processes and procedures 24/01/2025 improve the processes for safer recruitment 24/01/2025 ensure that all committee members who are required to do so complete required suitability checks with Ofsted 24/01/2025 make sure that all required records and information are kept in a well-organised manner, to ensure that the setting is safe and efficiently managed 24/01/2025 ensure that all children receive consistently meaningful learning in all areas of the curriculum, with a particular focus on the curriculum for communication and language 24/01/2025 improve key-person arrangements, including when there are changes in staffing.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.