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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is inadequate
The provider has not ensured that there is a qualified manager and a named deputy manager in place to ensure the safe and effective running of the setting. In addition, the provider does not provide suitable staffing arrangements that meet the needs of all children. This compromises children's safety, learning and development.
The provider has failed to ensure effective arrangements are in place for the supervision of staff. As a result, there are gaps in staff knowledge and understanding of how children learn. The curriculum is not ambitious.
For instance, the activities provided do not focus on what children ne...ed to learn next. Children are not making good progress in their learning. The procedures for supporting children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), and those who are at risk of falling behind, are poor.
Therefore, children's individual learning needs are not fully supported. Staff do not consistently manage children's behaviour to support children to regulate their emotions. This often leads to a disorderly environment.
Children do not demonstrate positive attitudes towards their learning. Children's physical well-being is not promoted. Failures within food hygiene impact negatively on children's health.
Staff build positive relationships with children and parents. Staff recognise when babies are upset, and they offer cuddles for reassurance. They speak to children in a kind and caring manner.
Children settle well into the environment. Parents speak highly of the nursery and say they are happy with the service provided.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider does not understand their roles and responsibilities to comply with the statutory requirements.
The provider has not ensured that there is a suitably qualified and experienced manager in place to meet the needs of the children. In addition, there is no named deputy in place who is capable or qualified to take charge in the manager's absence. This lack of suitable leadership impacts negatively on the effective running of the setting and has a significant impact on the care and learning for children.
The provider has not considered how to effectively deploy staff within the setting and, as a result, the staffing arrangements do not meet children's needs. For example, children are not always adequately supervised and are exposed to hazards that go unnoticed by staff. Furthermore, in some rooms, children are cared for by only unqualified staff who are not confident or secure in their knowledge and skills.
The provider does not have effective supervision, support and coaching systems in place to help staff improve their practice. This means the provider has not identified gaps in staff's general understanding of their roles and responsibilities, including their knowledge and skills on child development. As a result, this leads to poor practice across the setting.
The provider fails to provide staff with professional development opportunities to further their own knowledge of child development and how to fulfil their roles and responsibilities. This failure means staff have a weak understanding of how children learn, and the quality of care and education across the setting is poor. For example, the activities staff plan do not effectively build on what children know and can do.
This does not help children to make good progress.The provider has not ensured that staff who work with children aged under two years have completed training that specifically addresses the care of babies. This is a breach of requirements.
As a result, staff do not have secure knowledge and understanding of children's individual needs.Hygiene practices are poor. The provider does not have an area adequately equipped to prepare food safely for children, and staff have not received training in food hygiene.
Therefore, the provider has not ensured that staff understand how to prepare food safely for children. For instance, staff cut children's snack on a surface in the office which has not been cleaned before preparing the food. In addition, staff do not encourage children to wash their hands before mealtimes.
This compromises children's safety and increases the risk of cross-infection.The curriculum intent for children is poorly planned and implemented. Staff do not have a good understanding of how children learn.
For example, staff provide young children with activities to trace leaves before they can hold a pencil correctly. Children show they do not understand the activity. Staff use their hands to place on top of the children's hands to press down the crayon and say to do it 'hard' and then leave the activity unattended.
Children's learning needs are not fully supported and they become disengaged in their learning.The arrangements in place to support children with SEND are not sufficient to ensure children's needs are met. The provider does not identify a member of staff to act as the special educational needs coordinator.
Staff identify some concerns about children's development but do not seek further help for children. This means that the level of support children receive is limited. This impacts their emotional well-being and widens the gap in their development.
The provider has not made sure that staff understand how to consistently support children to manage their behaviours and feelings. Staff do not know how to manage some situations and often ignore negative behaviour displayed from children. For instance, children throw their lunch across the table or on the floor and throw toys off the table during play.
Children show they are upset. Staff do not acknowledge these behaviours or teach children how to manage their emotions. This negatively impacts children's emotional development.
Children do not develop resilience and struggle to manage their behaviours.The provider is unable to demonstrate that all children aged between two and three years receive the required written review of their learning. Records for the progress check for children aged between two and three years were not made available.
Furthermore, staff are unable to explain how children are progressing in their development to inform the review. They do not plan effective strategies to further children's individual development and next steps in learning.The provider has failed to notify Ofsted of required information, such as a change to the manager of the setting.
Failure to notify Ofsted of this change is a breach of requirements and further demonstrates the provider's lack of understanding of the requirements they must meet as part of their registration with Ofsted.
The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.There is not an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
The provision is inadequate and Ofsted intends to take enforcement action.
We will issue a Welfare Requirements Notice requiring the provider to: Due date ensure the manager holds an approved qualification at level 3 or above 28/11/2024 ensure there is a named deputy who has been deemed capable and qualified to take charge in the manager's absence 28/11/2024 ensure at least half of all other staff hold at least an approved level 2 qualification 28/11/2024 ensure staffing arrangements meet the needs of all children and ensure their safety, including through effective supervision 28/11/2024 provide effective supervision and training for all staff, including managers, so that weaknesses in practice are identified and addressed to develop the overall quality of the provision 28/11/2024 ensure all staff who work with children aged under two receive training that specifically addresses the care of babies 28/11/2024 ensure all staff involved in preparing and handling food receive training in food hygiene 28/11/2024 ensure there is an adequate and suitable area for the hygienic preparation of food for children 28/11/2024 implement effective procedures to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) 28/11/2024 support staff to develop strategies to support, understand and manage children's behaviour in an appropriate way.28/11/2024 To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date provide checks for all children aged between two and three years that review their progress and development in the prime areas of learning 28/11/2024 plan and implement an ambitious and well-sequenced curriculum that builds succinctly on what children already know and can do.