Happy Days Club Ltd

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About Happy Days Club Ltd

Name Happy Days Club Ltd
Address Hazlewood Primary School, Canterbury Way, Wideopen, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE13 6JJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority NorthTyneside
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are genuinely happy to come to this club after school.

They show excitement when staff collect them from their classrooms in school. Parents and carers comment that their children ask to come to the club on days they do not need to as they have so much fun. Children are eager to share their news from school with staff and show them their artwork.

Staff take time to listen to children, celebrate their achievements and make every child feel special. Children who are not attending the club that evening seek out staff in the school's corridor to share important news about their day. This demonstrates the good relation...ships children build with staff.

Children said they love the activities and resources which staff provide for them. Some children comment that they never want to leave the club, even when it is time for them to move on to high school. Children's views are important to staff and they give them lots of choices.

Staff plan activities and resources around children's interests. For instance, they provide a variety of dressing-up clothes for children to act out a 'fashion show'. Staff support children very well during their play.

For instance, when children use creative resources, staff sit with them and provide a commentary on their play. They follow, extend and respect children's ideas. Children are very motivated and engaged during all activities.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff want children to have a sense of ownership in the club. They ask for children's views and opinions at every opportunity. Staff display children's work and creations throughout the club.

For example, all children and staff put their handprints on a display on the wall. Staff do this to help all children to know they belong in the club.Leaders want the club to provide a family feel, where children can relax after a busy day at school.

Children show they feel very at home and comfortable in the club. For example, they arrive and spontaneously take off their shoes to settle into their play.Staff teach children how to behave and provide a focus on positive reinforcement.

They model kindness and respect superbly. Children happily share and take turns when they play. Staff reward children on a chart and children look forward to picking out the 'prize box'.

Children show pride in their accomplishments, such as their artwork.Older children are extremely kind and caring to younger children. Staff encourage them to take responsibility in the club.

For instance, older children confidently read stories to a group of younger children, who listen attentively. Staff praise children specifically, such as for 'good expression' when they are reading. This helps children to know what they have done well.

Staff provide healthy snacks for children. Children tuck in heartily to sandwiches and a fruit platter after their day in school. Staff leave children's snack available so they can access it freely throughout their session.

They provide water for children to drink to stay hydrated.Leaders make sure that younger children have a key person who knows them well. Staff are attentive and caring.

They share and collect important information with staff in school, which helps children to settle quickly and easily.Staff build on children's learning from school, such their language skills. They promote constant conversations, such as about children's nativity play in school.

Staff ask effective questions to encourage children to use longer sentences. They introduce new vocabulary as children play.Children have lots of opportunities to be creative and explore.

They enjoy using natural materials, such as stones, pine cones and shells, to create images and patterns on a large tray. Children mix different coloured paint and experiment with glitter. Staff plan activities for children to decorate biscuits, which children excitedly engage with.

Parents are very positive about the service the club provides. They appreciate the flexibility that the online booking system provides. Parents comment that their children are very happy and settled in the club, which reassures them.

Staff share information with parents at collection times and pass on important messages from school.Staff are extremely well supported by leaders. They receive comprehensive induction processes, appraisals and professional development.

Staff very much enjoy working at the club and feel very well supported. It is clear that leaders appreciate and value their staff immensely.Leaders make sure they meet that they meet the needs of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities very well.

They work with parents and other professionals to put detailed play plans in place to help children to access all aspects of the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Hazlewood Community Primary School

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