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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Staff create a warm, welcoming and interesting environment. Children eagerly rush into this after-school setting and are keen to meet up with their friends. They are quickly absorbed in self-chosen activities with their friends.
Children have a voice and are instrumental to how the setting is organised and the activities provided. For example, comments from children's surveys are carefully considered and where possible acted on. When this is not appropriate children are provided with clear explanations as to why.
This helps children to develop a strong sense of self and belonging. Staff know the children well and plan an e...xciting range of activities that meet the children's individual interests and needs. Children demonstrate that they feel safe.
They are confident to approach staff for advice and support.Staff create an inclusive setting, where everyone is valued and respected. Children show kindness and concern to their friends.
They offer support and encouragement. For example, older children show younger children how to hold the snooker cue correctly. Children cheer in delight when they hit the ball.
This level of camaraderie and support helps children to learn from each other and develop new skills. In addition, this significantly enhances children's confidence and self-esteem. Children behave well.
They have an innate understanding of the setting's rules and daily routines. For example, children know to hang their belongings up on arrival. Staff place a strong emphasis on developing the children's physical skills.
Children particularly enjoy the opportunities to play team games such as football. This is evident from their beaming smiles and shouts of encouragement to their friends.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and staff work well together to create an exciting range of activities that spark children's interest, such as finding and identifying the minibeasts.
They work in partnership with teachers to provide opportunities that complement what children are learning in school. For example, they encourage children practise their letter formation when writing lists. This enables children to practise and firmly embed their learning.
Leaders place a high priority on staff development and training. Staff have access to a range of training and development opportunities, to further enhance their knowledge and skills. This ensures the continuous delivery of good quality care and improves outcomes for children.
In addition, this helps children to master the art of two-way conversations.Children relish the opportunities to be outdoors. Staff encourage them to learn new skills, such as playing badminton and team sports.
Children persevere at mastering the swing ball and wheeled resources, such as scooters. The prominence of these activities enables children to get plenty of fresh air and exercise.Staff provide a wealth of experiences for children to learn how to keep themselves safe.
Children know to tell staff that they are going out of the main area. They also learn how to use resources, such as scissors, safely. Children assist staff in counting everyone in and out of the outdoor area.
Overall, children have a keen sense of their own safety and that of their friends.Staff place a strong emphasis on supporting children's emotional health and well-being. They use knowledge from their training on the 'Happypotomus' to help children to explore and respond to their emotions.
In addition, staff have created safe spaces for children to access when they are sad or overwhelmed. When this happens, staff sensitively intervene to help children to work through their feelings. As a result, children develop an awareness of their own needs and those of their friends.
This builds their emotional resilience and helps to reduce their anxiety.Children enjoy a range of freshly prepared nutritious snacks, which meet their individual dietary requirements. Snack time is a relaxed social occasion.
During this time, staff skilfully interweave information about healthy eating and the importance of good oral health. As a result, children develop positive attitudes to staying fit and well.Staff provide an inclusive environment, which helps children to understand people have different beliefs.
For example, children explore the meaning behind cultural events, such as Chinese New Year and Diwali. Furthermore, this supports their awareness of their own community and the wider world.Partnership with parents is strong.
Effective communication between parents, the setting and school promotes a continuous flow of information. This helps to support children's care and well-being.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first