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About Happy Feet Kidzone
Happy Feet Kidzone
Trinity Methodist Church, King Street, Scunthorpe, DN15 9TP
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy their time at the club. They are greeted warmly by staff as they arrive and quickly settle. Children are fully involved in planning the activities and resources during the club sessions.
Staff listen to what children want to do and are always very responsive. They know that some activities, such as baking and physical games, are always popular. Staff plan these activities into the sessions, so that all children can be involved.
Staff take the time to identify the needs and interests of individual children. They know that some children want to be active, while others prefer to relax after a busy da...y at school. Staff ensure that mealtimes are well organised and they provide a really good selection of healthy dishes, for example wraps and fruit.
They sit with children and chat to them about their day. Children are keen to talk about the activities they particularly enjoy at the club. Any special events, such as children's birthdays, are celebrated by all.
The older children show much kindness to the younger ones.The club was closed for some time during the COVID-19 pandemic, due to restrictions. Club leaders have implemented new ways to keep in touch with families, which continue to be very effective.
They continue to review the risk assessments they put in place during the pandemic, so that they keep children safe and well.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The youngest children quickly form strong emotional bonds with their key person and other staff. This promotes their well-being effectively and helps them to develop confidence and independence, right from the start.
They are motivated by the resources, and staff are close by to offer any support they might need.Club leaders work closely with the local schools that children attend. They have excellent procedures in place to ensure that any relevant information is communicated between the club and schools.
Children are very well supervised as they walk back with staff from school. They listen and respond when staff remind them to take care close to roads. Children behave extremely well and follow instructions in a sensible manner.
Staff are very friendly and calm in their interactions with children. They speak with pride about the strong community that they have nurtured at the club. They support children to make friends and cooperate with each other.
Children acquire many skills that will help them achieve and be resilient when faced with challenges.Children show a good understanding of the club routines and expectations. They put coats and bags on their designated pegs as they arrive.
Staff have taught them the importance of washing their hands and using antiseptic gel at appropriate times during the club sessions to promote their good health.Parents are very satisfied with what the club offers. They speak in glowing terms about the staff team.
Parents say that their children enjoy the range of activities which staff plan. They comment that staff meet their children's individual needs very well. Parents are reassured that their children are safe and happy in the club.
Children have opportunities to contribute to the upkeep of the local area. They choose be part of a litter-picking group, supervised by staff. This helps children understand the impact their actions have on their community.
Staff extend children's knowledge through conversations with them, for example, about the importance of recycling.Club leaders place a high priority on the well-being and development of staff. They hold regular supervision meetings with staff to support them in their roles.
All staff access an extensive range of training to continue their professional development. They are committed to providing a high-quality service for children and their families.Staff are keen to receive feedback on the club.
They ask parents and children to share their views and value what they say. Their current focus is to reintroduce the activities that they had to stop during the COVID-19 pandemic, when it is appropriate.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff complete a range of training and demonstrate a good understanding of different safeguarding concerns. They know the signs that would make them worry about children's safety and welfare. There are robust procedures in place to report any concerns to the appropriate services.
All required policies and risk assessments are in place and are regularly reviewed at staff meetings. Staff are checked to ensure that they are suitable to work with children. They all hold current first-aid qualifications, so they are able to respond to any potential medical emergency appropriately.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.