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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children arrive in their all-weather clothing ready to immerse themselves in the exciting learning opportunities that await them.
Children demonstrate that they feel safe and secure, as they follow the arrival routine with precision. For example, upon arrival, children eagerly lead their parents to the garden gate, where they find their photograph and self-register. They store their packed lunches and happily wave their parents goodbye as they confidently go off to find their friends.
Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the setting is providing children with even greater support in relation to their comm...unication and language and social and emotional development. For example, small groups of children have their snack in a quiet, cosy room, which has been specifically chosen to provide a communication friendly space. They carefully select their China teacup and saucer, sit down with their friends, and self-serve their healthy snack.
Children hold long and detailed conversations about their favourite story, 'The Hungry Caterpillar'. They bite holes in their fruit and link the symmetry of a butterfly to that of two halves of a pear. Children recall prior learning, which demonstrates the impact of high-quality teaching.
They are skilled communicators with extensive vocabulary, which prepares them well for their next steps in learning.Children benefit greatly from a rich and highly ambitious curriculum that continually builds on their interests, skills and ability. Children independently choose where they take their learning as they move freely between different learning environments, both indoors and outdoors.
When outdoors, children build their own tree house, listen to birds singing and taste the rain with their tongues. While inside, there is an abundance of stimulating activities, which are thoughtfully planned and prepared each day. Children are highly inquisitive and have positive attitudes towards leading and exploring their own play.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children make exceptional progress at this setting. The highly qualified and dedicated staff team consistently ensure that there are no barriers to children reaching their full potential. For example, when in the woodwork shed, children are empowered and trusted with the responsibility of using their woodwork tools.
Children show great satisfaction in their mastery of new skills and take immense pride in their creations. Furthermore, children are learning the value of making and repairing resources, which prepares them for later life.The inspirational leader has a clear vision, which is shared by all staff and is fully supported by the parents.
The team is passionate about providing the very best care, education and support for children and their families. Staff are highly skilled and qualified and are committed to improving their own practice through continuous professional development. All staff receive targeted training and ongoing, constructive feedback.
Staff feel deeply valued and are extremely motivated. This ensures that children benefit from the very highest quality of education.Children are highly confident and imaginative learners.
For example, children delight as they turn a tap on outside to create a stream of water. Running inside, one child calls to his peers, 'I've made a massive river; get your coats on and come outside.' They all rush outside and take great delight in jumping in the 'river' of water.
Children use play to teach each other and broaden their learning.Staff are skilled in supporting children's mathematical knowledge. For example, children independently and accurately follow the instructions to make their own dough at the 'dough station'.
They count out how many scoops they need of each of the ingredients. When it does not go quite right, staff are nearby to pose thought-provoking questions, asking, 'have you added too many scoops?' and 'did you add enough water?' Children demonstrate impressive resilience, as they try again to get the recipe right.Children's personal development is extremely well supported.
They have many opportunities to make meaningful decisions. For example, children vote for the name of their pet snail. They choose the name 'Spiderman', making excellent connections in their knowledge as they make comparisons to how he climbs up walls like the snail does.
Later in the day, children demonstrate their caring skills as they give their snail a bath. Children are making links in their play and the world around them to support them in their future learning.Children who speak English as an additional language, children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), and children in receipt of additional funding are very well supported.
Staff undertake specialist medical training to meet the needs of children with complex needs. The excellent key-person system and accurate use of assessment means gaps in children's learning and any specific needs are identified early and acted upon quickly. Staff work in unison with parents and external agencies to help all children make the best progress.
Parent partnerships are excellent. Parents take an active role in the setting as both committee members and volunteers. They join the setting regularly and share their skills with the staff and children.
For example, children, parents and staff are working together to create a large mosaic of art, which will be proudly displayed when completed. Parents are extremely well informed about their child's learning and development and are highly complimentary about the love and care their children receive.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Children are safe and secure at this setting. All staff have deep knowledge and understanding of their roles and responsibilities to safeguard children. All staff clearly demonstrate their understanding of potential harm and abuse that would make them concerned, including how to report their concerns.
The safeguarding lead ensures that the team receive ongoing training to maintain and ensure that their continued knowledge is current and up to date. Effective risk assessments are in place to enable children to participate in high-risk activities, such as woodwork, and using ladders and campfires. Children become expert risk assessors.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.