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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children are confident and happy at this family run nursery. They routinely offer their friends cuddles and reassuring interactions, which helps them to develop positive relationships as they enjoy their time together. Children demonstrate that they feel safe and secure as they seek out familiar adults for comfort.
They behave well, patiently take turns and listen thoughtfully to each other's ideas. Overall, children are aware of the rules and expectations of the nursery. They show high levels of motivation in their play and are valued by attentive staff.
Children receive lots of opportunities to celebrate what makes t...hem unique and learn about those who may be different from them. For example, they take part in meaningful small-group discussions and develop their understanding of cultures and backgrounds. Children are developing a love of stories and actively seek staff out to read to them.
Staff skilfully use children's interests in traditional stories to develop children's confidence and literacy skills. Children excitedly recall the sequence of the story 'Goldilocks and the three bears'. Staff provide appropriate challenge as older children understand that print carries meaning and can recognise initial letters and the sounds they make.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The dedicated management team has a clear vision for the nursery and works tirelessly to maintain the good standards of care. The staff know all children extremely well and they understand how children learn and develop.Staff observe the children closely and amend the curriculum to meet their learning needs.
For example, staff recognise that some children need to take part in physical activity to regulate behaviour and concentrate well. Staff provide opportunities for children to make progress in a way that meets their learning needs effectively.Children are well prepared for their move to school.
Staff take them on walks to the local school and talk about the expectations of their next stage in learning. They provide opportunities for children to develop the skills needed. Children practise their independence skills frequently and grow in confidence.
For example, handwashing facilities, drinking water and tissues are accessible to allow them take responsibility for managing their personal hygiene.Due to weaknesses in the organisation of some daily routines, children occasionally spend unnecessary amounts of time waiting to move on to the next activity. For example, babies become restless and unsettled when waiting to play in the garden.
However, once outside, they delight in climbing the wooden planks and pulling themselves to standing to see the river that runs along the side of the nursery. Older children use the space to develop games which successfully support their physical development.Staff, including student staff, receive regular supervisions and training opportunities to develop their practice.
They routinely discuss children who have a delay in their development and ensure that children receive intervention at the earliest opportunity, so that they acquire the support they need to catch up. Children in receipt of additional funding and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities are given the support needed to make good progress in their learning.Parents are very complimentary about the nursery.
They value the support the staff offer them and their children. Parents feel well informed about their children's learning and particularly value the personalised daily feedback. The manager works well with other agencies to help parents who may need support or advice.
Children's communication and language is supported. Staff use simple signs to promote their confidence to express their needs. However, occasionally, staff in the baby room do not always speak clearly when communicating expectations of the daily routines.
As a result, some children struggle to understand what is expected of them.Children are developing a good understanding of mathematics. They learn about size and quantity through carefully planned activities that interest them.
Older children explore the dominoes to develop their understanding of simple addition and subtraction.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff team understand their role in protecting children.
They are able to identify when a child may be at risk of harm and what action they need to take. They have recently completed training in wider safeguarding matters to ensure their knowledge is up to date. Staff undertake effective risk assessments of the nursery environment to reduce and minimise any potential hazards.
The manager works with other agencies, such as the local council, to ensure the building remains safe for use. The manager follows safe recruitment procedures to ensure that all staff are suitable to work with children.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to recognise when to adapt the use of language to help younger children understand what is expected of them review the organisation of the daily routines to ensure that children are not waiting for long periods.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.