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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children and their families receive a warm welcome from staff as they arrive at this friendly and caring nursery. Children quickly settle into their day and begin their play and learning.
Children enjoy a broad range of activities that foster their curiosity effectively. For example, children listen attentively as staff play the sounds of different animals. Children enthusiastically shout out the names of the animals they can hear.
Children enjoy engaging in role play and listening to their friends' ideas and suggestions. They make pretend cups of tea for visitors. The curriculum is well planned and embedded across the... nursery.
Children develop the skills that they need to prepare them for the next stage in their education. For example, staff encourage pre-school children to develop their independence skills. Children peel their own fruit at snack time and put on their own coats for outdoor play.
They learn to recognise their own names. These opportunities support children in readiness for starting school. Children's behaviour is good.
They know the rules, which staff embed well. For example, staff remind children to have their 'listening ears' switched on. Staff are positive role models and are consistent with their messages regarding the behaviour they expect.
This supports children to make the right choices.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff know the children in their care well. They observe children and find out from their parents and carers what their capabilities and interests are.
This helps staff to provide interesting play activities that children enjoy taking part in. For instance, children enjoy using pegs to pick up pom-poms and decorate small cardboard Christmas trees. This helps to develop children's fine motor skills.
Staff know the skills and knowledge that they want children to develop.Staff work closely with external professionals to provide support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They work in partnership to put in place carefully planned targets to help children to work towards their development goals.
Consequently, children with SEND are happy and confident learners in this inclusive nursery. Children who speak English as an additional language are well supported in their growing communication and language skills in English.Staff embed the routines of the day well.
For example, all children come together for a group snack time. They understand what is expected of them and follow these routines well. However, occasionally, staff do not plan and deliver group activities effectively.
For example, large groups of children crowd around small tables, and some of these children do not get the full benefit of the learning experiences.The nursery has strong partnerships with parents. Staff liaise with them to promote their children's learning and development.
Parents' feedback is positive. They comment that staff are caring, open and honest. Parents feel that the nursery is nurturing.
They say that they would highly recommend the nursery to others.Children become independent with their health and self-care skills at an appropriate level for their ages and stages of development. They learn about the importance of brushing their teeth and learn to wipe their own noses.
Children enjoy a range of healthy snacks. Mealtimes are sociable events.Staff are well deployed.
There are robust risk assessments in place to help ensure children's safety. Recruitment procedures are rigorous and follow the guidance on safer recruitment. Leaders work closely with staff to observe their practice and provide support.
However, leaders do not monitor staff's practice sharply enough to identify training opportunities that would help raise the quality of their practice further.Staff prioritise supporting children's communication and language skills. They consistently talk and interact with the children.
Children sit and enjoy stories with staff and confidently repeat key words and phrases from books. Staff use skilful questioning to assess children's understanding, encouraging them to express their opinions and ideas. Overall, activities support children's progress across the seven areas of learning.
Staff help to promote children's understanding of the wider world. For example, they plan activities that help children to learn about Diwali and Black History Month. Children learn about their local community.
They frequently visit the adjoining church, where they sing and do shows for parents. Children have access to outdoor spaces. However, the intent for children's learning when they are outdoors is less focused.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to plan and implement group times that engage and fully support children's learning nembed the monitoring of staff to provide the individualised support and training they need to reflect on and improve their practice even further develop the curriculum in the outdoor areas for all children to promote their learning further.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.