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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children absorb new learning as they explore the nursery. Staff plan challenging activities that captivate children's imaginations. For example, babies giggle excitedly as they explore the coloured balls in the water tray.
Toddlers learn the steps they need to take to ride on wheeled toys in the garden with gentle support from staff. All children are eager to join in and are deeply engaged in their learning. All children learn to experience setbacks and to try again.
For example, toddlers show their fascination as they attempt to fill containers without spilling a drop. Toddlers beam with pride as they show thei...r friends what they have accomplished. Staff praise children and celebrate their achievements and talents.
Children have extremely high levels of self-control. They listen and respond as staff skilfully support children's understanding of new ideas. All children are exceptionally happy and feel safe.
Staff intuitively react to children's needs. When children struggle with their emotions, staff help them to understand their feelings. Children are gentle and encouraging to each other.
They learn to understand how their behaviour impacts on others. Children value their friends as they listen to them and respond. For example, in the pre-school room, children talk about their families and ask each other questions.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The managers and staff create an ambitious curriculum with a clear intent for all children. Managers share their vision of high-quality education with all staff. Across the nursery, all children experience extremely high expectations and excellent care.
The way that staff prepare children for the next stage of their education is highly effective.Staff meticulously identify what children know and can do. They use their in-depth knowledge of child development to identify ambitious next steps in learning for children.
Staff work with parents to ensure that children reach and exceed their milestones.Staff plan activities that enable children to practise a range of skills. For example, when toddlers go on a pretend bear hunt, they learn to listen and answer questions about a story and count the steps they take through the 'cold river'.
Children excitedly line up and take their own bear hunt into the garden. They deepen their understanding of what they have learned.Managers support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities exceptionally well.
They work seamlessly with a range of experts to identify children that need extra help. Staff work with partners to deliver targeted and highly effective teaching to help to close gaps in children's learning. All children achieve the best possible outcomes.
Staff use highly effective strategies to teach children new language. Staff understand how children who speak English as an additional language learn new vocabulary. They skilfully model and repeat new words and use visual aids to support children's understanding.
Children feel valued, and express themselves with increasing fluency and confidence.Parents are overwhelmingly happy about the care that their children receive. They report that children make exceptional progress with their learning.
Parents say that children are sociable and very confident. They report that regular stay-and-play sessions help them to understand how to support their children's learning at home.Managers support staff's well-being in an inspirational way.
They value their staff and are extremely sensitive and understanding to staff's workload and well-being. Managers make sure that they meet with staff regularly to see how they can enhance their support for them. Staff report high levels of well-being.
Managers and staff are reflective of their practice. They identify professional development opportunities that directly impact on children's learning. For example, staff recently took part in training on cultural capital.
This has helped them to understand the importance of rich experiences for all children, inside and outside the nursery.Managers and staff plan rich experiences for children to explore differences. For example, they regularly explore their community, such as the local farm.
Parents and others visit the nursery to share their experiences, cultural objects and festivals. Children learn about families and how they look different. They learn to recognise and understand vulnerable people in their community.
Children develop respect for others.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.All staff have an extremely strong understanding of the indicators that a child may be at risk of abuse or harm.
Managers diligently evaluate their safeguarding policy and procedures and ensure that this is implemented by all staff. Staff are very knowledgeable about the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on children's well-being and safety. They report their concerns to the relevant authorities as appropriate.
Staff know the action to take when an allegation is made about an adult. They know the factors that may effect their suitability and how to report changes. All staff regularly risk assess the rooms and the garden to ensure that children are safe.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.